Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Raw Milk Saga continues...

This isn't anything new. It's been done in North America since the late 1800's according to some New Thought authors. In Ontario as well as other Provinces, States and Countries it's a legitimate concern for people to be able to make that choice. And the farmers are responsive enough to ensure the quality of their milk.

The Bovine: This blog is about rights issues around access to raw milk.

Where can I find real (raw) milk?

Canada has an advantage over the US. No growth hormones. Let's hope that continues and some agency doesn't try to slip one by the consumer.

I suppose from a spiritual point of view it takes someone in Government to say "What's right?" and act accordingly. No patronage, no pharmaceutical companies or agriculture companies waiving money. And a banking system that doesn't need bailing out.

We've just gone through a repeat of the "The Long Depression", lessons still not quite learned.

Until then we'll have the whistle blowers as a necessity and
the "milk police" to contend with.

Robert Collier was one of the few New Thought authors who through illness was directed to health products.

What's the harm.

You have a voice! You have a choice!

Local organic insiders watching closely as Monsanto sued over seed patents -
Monsanto Shifts ALL Liability to Farmers -
Organic players join "pre-emptive" U.S. suit against Monsanto -
Monsanto Exposé: This film is a hard hitting look at Monsanto's history and origins in the chemical industry through its transformation into a biotech agricultural company and, particularly relevant for this website, its efforts to stamp out traditional seeds and replace them with patented genetically engineered seeds. It is a must see for anybody concerned about preserving our seed heritage and for anybody concerned about the general issue of food security. [BC Seeds is a project of FarmFolkCityFolk, supporting BC based seed growers and groups to increase the quantity and quality of locally grown seed.]
reviewers note: Through the wonderful technological inventions of computers and the internet the reader can check out all the assertions in this film and review for him/herself. Typing in a search phrase with Monsanto in it will usually produce more results than you care to look at.

In the same way that corporate control of seeds is a threat to our freedom corporate control of our computers, software, and the internet through closed source proprietary software is too. Consider the transition to free open source software in your fight for freedom.

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