Monday, May 4, 2009

Phineas Parkhurst Quimby

It occurred to me yesterday that Quimby was essentially a Medical Intuitive and then some.

Most of the material I've read was pre-ACIM so it's presented those terms. From an ACIM perspective Quimby separated "J" the body and the "Christ Mind" ("J" as the human and Christ as the wisdom). He saw man as being made up of TRUTH and BELIEF. Where BELIEF lies below the level of Thought. He also recognized the importance of being in harmony with the self.

He was ahead of his time in discovering that minds were joined. During his experiments with hypnosis he progressed to the stage where all his commands were given mentally. He saw the mind as a spiritual matter always changing in a continuous state of flux, affected by other minds.

He realized he had, and learned to utilize, his spiritual senses of sight, smell, taste and touch. They say he learned to identify different ailments by their smell.

In a broad sense of the term you could say he was a NLP practitioner, using the language of his time (biblical) to relate to his patients. He recognized the rapport necessary between operator(Doctor, Dentist) and patient.
One interesting aspect of his method of treatment was that in the end he would explain to the patient what was wrong, where they had pain or discomfort, and the underlying thought patterns that had invoked it. If he was wrong in his diagnosis the session abruptly ended and charged nothing as he felt he had failed to connect.

I liked that idea. The ramifications of a psychic or medical intuitive reading are astounding.

Phineas Parkhurst Quimby

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