Thursday, December 20, 2012

Your Very Awareness Is Your Power.

"Suppose you were given a one-man airplane to use in any way you like. But you did not understand the powers of an airplane; you were unaware that it could carry you across the sky. But still, wanting to make some use of it, you hitched it to a horse and drove it around. Because of your limited awareness of its use, your actual use was also limited. But after studying the machine for a while you discover its motor, propeller and other items of power. So you unhitch the horse and drive the airplane around on the ground with its own power. This is an advanced use, but still far from making the most of its intended purpose. So you study some more and you discover that the air- plane has wings for a practical purpose; you see the possibilities of rising above the earth to soar aloft. With this new knowledge you go into action. Finally, you fly. By discovering the full capacities of that airplane, it carries you to whatever destinations you desire.
A man's mind is like that. The power is there all right, blocked only by lack of awareness that it is there. Persistent self-study reveals power that _is_ already there.
Your very awareness is your power for full flight." VH
There is no end to all the peace and joy,
And all the miracles that I will give,
When I accept God's Word.
Why not today?
The New Beginning Chapter 30

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