Sunday, December 16, 2012


BEING beyond which there is naught.
What wing-beat sought the beyond must eternally fly the winds which are but the breathings of Being.
It is all there is. Each seeming other-thing is but the Breath of Being breathing the blessings of its Eternal Life.
Not was, but AM. There is no past with God.
Not will be, but AM.
There is no future with God. It is NOW.
There is no then. Eternity IS. Time is an illusion.
The senses serpent man through dust. A mirage this; for there is no dust, but only the glory of the eternal Life, the shining splendor of being.
There are no senses. There is only Soul.
There is no matter. There is only Mind.
There is no body. There is only Being.
Light is. It shines—the Light of Being.
Let it torch you as you search for your sin, and for such shadow it is a vain search.
Let it be your electric light as you search for your sickness, and that gloom you can never find.
Let it be your sun as you search for death, and mortality will be swallowed up of life, as night shadows by the light of dawn.
Within you is the I AM, the Infinite, Eternal One Being.
Because of this, you are.
Because of this, you may so attune unto and blend with the Infinite Being as to be able to say, in sincerity and in truth, for yourself, I Am.
In the realization of the I AM, all dark problems are solved in light as nights are dissolved in days.
This is to "obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away."
This is to love in truth. This is to truth in love.
And so wisdom becomes your native more than song the native of the sparrow's throat.
This is to live the divine and eternal life. This is the Heaven which, out of you as a center, smiles its infinite blesses, loves its everlasting loves, shines its truths eternal.
So, then, in the face of every discord, with confidence never wavering, declare this truth. I am, and the Chord of Being will sing so divinely that inharmony ceases in its song.
So health chants out sickness.
So holiness psalms out sin.
So life chorals out death.
So heaven sings itself through the earth until it is a new earth, a very phrase of joy breathing from the Eternal WORD of the Divine Being.
I AM. says God.
I Am, answers the soul.
WE ARE, together they sing; and this is the song unto which the morning stars shone, while all the sons of God shouted for joy.
This is the glory which the Son had with the Father before worlds were; and the Son is the whole of Humanity, even unto the least of these. His brethren, even unto me.
I Am!
 John Milton Scott~I Am (1913)

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