Sunday, December 16, 2012

Are you hoping for a promotion at your job?

Dear God,
I have a desire to be promoted to a higher position and to take on greater responsibilities. I surrender this situation to You and ask for Your guidance. I accept that I couldn’t possibly know if this promotion is Divinely aligned for my highest good. If I move towards this promotion and it should come to me, then I will know it is aligned for my happiness. If it should move away from me, then I will know it was not aligned for my happiness and I am equally blessed. Thank You, in advance, for providing numerous opportunities for me to share my gifts and talents with the world. Thank You for enabling me to advance in my position, be valued and generously rewarded for my efforts and to develop and grow as a person. As I follow Your plan for my happiness, I am assured of the highest possible outcome in all respects. Thy will be done. Amen

This Prayer is an excerpt from the
Miracles in Prayerbook by Robin Duncan.
This book includes150 Prayers for Everyday Living.

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using a combination of EFT, Prayer and A Course in Miracles at:
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When your peace is threatened, or disturbed in ANY way, say to yourself, "I do not know what anything, INCLUDING THIS, means. And so I do NOT know HOW TO RESPOND TO IT. And I will not use my own past learning as the light to guide me now." By this refusal to attempt to teach yourself what you do not know, the Guide Whom God has given you, will speak to you. HE will take His rightful place in your awareness, the instant YOU abandon it, and offer it to Him. ACIM T-14.XI.6

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