The way from passion to peace is by overcoming one’s
Aspiration is the longing for heavenly things.
Where is peace to be found! Where is the hiding-place
of truth!
The soul will cry out for its lost heritage.
If one would find peace, he must come out of passion.
That which can be conceived can be achieved.
Our life is what we make it by our own thoughts and
There is a life of victory over sin, and triumph over
clothed himself with humility, the first questions a man asks himself are:—
am I acting towards others?”
“What am I doing to others?”
“How am I thinking of others?”
“Are my thoughts of, and acts towards others prompted by unselfish love?”
As a
man, in the silence of his soul, asks himself these searching questions, he
will unerringly see where he has hitherto failed.
Christ Spirit of Love puts an end, not only to all sin, but to all division and
When a man wishes and wills he can find the good and
the true.
Every moment is the time of choice; every
hour is destiny.
Engage daily in holy meditation on Truth and its attainment.
As errors and impunities are revealed, purge them away.
Aim, with ardor, for the attainment of a perfect life.
teaching of Jesus brings men back to the simple truth that righteousness, or right-doing, is entirely a matter of
individual conduct, and not a mystical something apart from a man’s thoughts
and deeds.
and patience can become habitual by first grasping, through effort, a calm and
patient thought, and then continuously thinking it, and living in it, until
“use becomes second nature,” and anger and impatience pass away for ever.
The strife of the world in all its forms has its origin
in one common cause, namely, individual selfishness.
Each man comes under the laws of his own being, never
under the laws of another.
When the soul is most tried, its need is greatest.
Where temptation is powerful, the greater and more enduring
will be the victory.
The great need of the soul is the need of that
permanent Principle called Righteousness.
A life of virtue is noble and excellent.
It matters little what is without, for it is all a
reflection of your own consciousness.
It matters everything what you are within, for
everything without will be mirrored and colored accordingly.
Great Law never cheats any man of his just due.
life, when rightly lived, is simple with a beautiful simplicity.
who comprehends the utter simplicity of life, who obeys its laws, and does not
step aside into the dark paths and complex mazes of selfish desire, stands
where no harm can reach him.
there is fullness of joy, abounding plenty, and rich and complete blessedness.
Renew your resolution daily, and in the hour of temptation
do not depart from the right path.
You can acquire Truth only by practice.
The wise purify their thoughts.
Be upright, gentle, and pure-hearted.
Exert yourself ceaselessly in decreasing evil and
accumulating good.
Fix your minds on the practice of virtue, and the comprehension
and application of fixed and noble principles.
men only understood that their hatred and resentment slays their peace and
sweet contentment, hurts themselves, helps not another, does not cheer one
lonely brother, they would seek the better doing of good deeds which leaves no
they only understood.
men only understood how Love conquers; how prevailing is its might, grim hate
assailing; how compassion endeth sorrow, maketh wise, and doth not borrow pain
of passion, they would ever live in Love, in hatred never—
they only understood.
The Never-Ending Gladness awaits your Homecoming.
Where self ends, grief passes away.
Live sweetly and happily, as becomes the dignity of a
true manhood and womanhood.
Pure happiness is the rightful and happy condition of
the soul.
All things are orderly and sequential,
being governed by the law of causation.
Verily the Law reigneth, and reigneth for
ever, and
Justice and Love are its eternal ministers.
Speak only words which are truthful and sincere.
He who speaks evil of another cannot find the way of
Purification is necessarily severe. All becoming is painful.
Make your every thought, word, and deed sweet and pure.
In the dark times of sorrow, men approach very near to
The end of sorrow is joy and peace.
The sorrowless state is reached through sorrow.
He whose treasure is Truth, who fashions his life in accordance
with Wisdom, will find the Joy which does not pass away; crossing the wide
ocean of illusion, he will come to the sorrowless Shore.
All outward oppression is but the shadow and effect of
the real oppression within.
To put away self and passion, and establish one’s self
in right doing, this is the highest wisdom.
Not departing from the path of holiness, but
surmounting all difficulties and continuing to the end— whosoever does this
will comprehend Truth.
Knowing the Truth by practice, and being
at one with
Truth, you will be invincible, for Truth
cannot be
confounded or overthrown.
Look not outside thee nor behind thee for the light and
blessedness of Truth, but look within.
Thou wilt find Truth within the narrow sphere of thy
duty, even in the humble and hidden sacrifices of thine own heart.
There is no blessedness anywhere until impatience is
When impatience and irritability are put away, then is
realized and enjoyed the blessedness of a strong, quiet, and peaceful mind.
The greatest blessedness comes to him who
infuses into his mind
the purest and noblest thoughts.
Your whole life is a series of effects, having their cause
in thought—in your own thought.
A sweet and happy soul is the ripened fruit of experience
and wisdom.
“So with
well-ordered strenuousness
thou thy structure of Success.”
He who fills with useful pursuits the minutes as they
come and go grows old in honor and wisdom, and prosperity abides with him.
No pure thought, no unselfish deed, can fall short of
its felicitous results, and every such result is a happy consummation.
Self shall depart, and Truth shall take
its place;
The Changeless One, the Indivisible,
Shall take up His abode in me, and
The White Robe of the Heart Invisible.
Go to your task with love in your heart, and you will go
to it light-hearted and cheerful.
All evil is corrective and remedial, and is therefore not
Cease to be a disobedient child in the school of
experience, and begin to learn, with humility and patience, the lessons that
are set for your ultimate perfection.
Meditation centered upon divine realities is the very essence
and soul of prayer.
Meditation is the secret of all growth in spiritual
life and knowledge.
If you ceaselessly think upon that which is pure and
unselfish, you will surely become pure and unselfish.
Enter the path of Meditation, and let the supreme object of your meditation be Truth.
James Allen
(1864 – 1912) |
By Thought we rise, by Thought we fall;
By Thought we stand or go;
All destiny is wrought by its swift potency;
And he who stands Master of Thought,
And his desires commands,
Willing and weaving thoughts of Love and Might,
Shapes his high end in Truths unerring Light.
Book of Meditations
Thoughts for the Day
For Every Day in the Year
A combination of two books:
'Morning and Evening Thoughts' by James Allen, published 1909 and 'James
Allen's Book of Meditations' published 1913.
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