Dr. Frederick W(illiam) Bailes(1889-1970) was born into a family of pioneers in New Zealand and was educated to be a medical missionary. Just as he was completing his training he was found to have diabetes, a so-called “incurable” condition, which prevented him from entering his work. Shortly afterward, he came across the writing of Judge Thomas Troward and began to develop a philosophy for living which led to his complete recovery long before the discovery of insulin. Later, as a student at a large London hospital, Dr. Bailes closely observed the mental factors which entered into the recovery of patients and noticed that certain fundamental thought-patters invariable produced bodily reactions. By encouraging his patients causative mental patterns toward healing, Dr. Bailes soon found remarkable results.
Frederick Bailes was among the most popular and important teachers of the Science of Mind. Dr. Bailes served with Science of Mind founder Ernest Holmes as Assistant Dean of the Science of Mind Institute in Los Angeles. He also headed the largest Science of Mind church of its day. In addition, Dr. Bailes was an accomplished metaphysical healer, having healed himself, using the very technique – “Treatment” – that he explains in these Lessons. “The Science of Mind philosophy,” says Dr. Frederick Bailes, “is not a few psychological tricks; it is a life to be lived.”
Dr. Frederick Bailes gave weekly lectures to capacity audiences in Los Angeles and was well known for his twice-weekly radio broadcasts. He is also the author of “Your Mind Can Heal You”; “Basic Principles of the Science of Mind”; “The Healing Power of Balanced Emotions”; and “Collected Essays of Frederick Bailes”.

Here then are the seven "R's" that Bailes suggests in his book “Your Mind Can Heal You”, a seven step approach.
Relaxation: We assume a position that assures physical relaxation and a quiet mind.
Recognition: We recognize that we are not speaking into a void. We are surrounded by the Creative Mind of the universe, which receives our thought embodied in our words and sets to work to carry it out into material form.Relationship: We consciously unify with the Creative Mind, knowing that we ourselves, the person treated for, and this Mind are all one. There can never be any separation between them.Reasoning: To arrive at this inner certainty, we have to dissolve all doubts. We go through a process of reasoning to arrive at this certainty.Realization: Once we have arrived at the point where we realize the inner perfection of the one being treated for, we shall know it, because we shall have arrived at a place of quiet, calm assurance.Release: We are not responsible for the outcome of the treatment. Our only responsibility is to build a clear picture in our mind of the perfection of ourselves and the one being treated for, and to remove all doubts about that perfection. We now release this picture to the Creative Mind.Rejoice: We give thanks for the success of our treatment, not to influence how Mind works but to confirm our belief that the entire situation is resolved in exactly the right and ideal way.
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