José Argüelles was involved in the Harmonic Convergence event of 1987 and wrote “ The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology”, published the same year. In The Mayan Factor Argüelles devises a complicated numerological system by combining elements taken from the pre-Columbian Maya calendar with the I Ching and other esoteric influences, interspersed with concepts drawn from modern sciences such as "genetic codes" and "galactic convergences".
The issue?As mathematician Michael Finley notes:
"Since the 365 day Maya haab makes no provision for leap years, its starting date in the Gregorian Calendar advances by one day every four years. The beginning of Argüelles' year is fixed to July 26. Thus his count of days departs from the haab as it was known to Maya scribes before the Spanish conquest. Argüelles claims that the Thirteen Moon Calendar is synchronized with the calendar round. Clearly, it is not."Predictions and prophecies are an interesting phenomenon over the last 30 years.
Nostradamus seems to have predicted an awful lot. But that’s always pointed out after something has already occurs. Cayce made similar unsubstantiated predictions.
Chile Pixtun, a Guatemalan, says the doomsday theories spring from Western, not Mayan, ideas.
Most archaeologists, astronomers and Maya Indians say the only thing likely to hit Earth is a meteor shower of New Age philosophy, pop astronomy, Internet doomsday rumors and TV specials — such as one on the History Channel that mixes predictions from Nostradamus and the Maya and asks: "Is 2012 the year the cosmic clock finally winds down to zero days, zero hope?"
There are other inscriptions at Maya sites for dates far beyond 2012 — including one that roughly translates into the year 4772.
144000 is a natural number. It has significance in several religious movements. In the Mayan calendar, a baktun is a period of 144,000 days. The only reason for the 2012 paranoia is that it's the end of one Buktun (395 years). This would be the first Baktun that's ticked over since we figured out the Mayan calendar that's all. There have been 12 previous Baktuns without incident.

Jose Huchim, Yucatan Maya archaeologist said “If I was Mayan and people asked what will happen in 2012, nobody would have any idea,” That the world is going to end? They would not believe me. They have more real concerns, like rains. ”
Despite the publicity generated by the 2012 date, Susan Milbrath, curator of Latin American Art and Archaeology at the Florida Museum of Natural History, stated that "We have no record or knowledge that [the Maya] would think the world would come to an end" in 2012.
In other words 1618 was a turning point in their calendar. 2012 is. 2407 is.
And the Mayan calendar is good until 4772.
Now you just know there's going to be a lot of back peddling over this.
"The Open Book of Revelation," by Miriam Comer Johnson, of Divine Science. The results of a 3 part/22 class session on Revelation. { Interesting that 22/7 is PI, PI and the Bible. A curious enterprise indeed}
The book is esoteric in nature. The number 144,000 comes from 12 x 12,000 and 12,000 is the number of times we must "think a thought" before it becomes a habit! All of our "human beliefs" are going to eventually be "uprooted" (when we make the next step in our evolution from "human material" to spiritual substance - and this will happen when we live according to the law (= we are ONE with God). The 12 are the 12 tribes of Israel, each of which represents a faculty or power, e.g., Judah = faculty of praise; Reuben = faith; Gad = personal power; Asher = our happiness and blessedness; Nephtalim = our ability to mentally surrender the material for the spiritual; Manassas = our forgetfulness of the material; etc.
These faculties/powers/beliefs are not "sealed in the forehead" until they are joined with the power of LOVE and FELT. (Just as the Golden Key to manifestation/demonstration is FEELING the desire as it would be manifested - and then IT IS MANIFESTED. Ask, believing you have already received.) So, when the 12 powers are FELT and THOUGHT 12,000 times each, they become SEALED in the consciousness - and become the foundation of spiritual consciousness - and then we live from that spiritual consciousness, because our humanness falls away. The undoing of the ego in other words.
I remember reading the "Flower of Life" books talking about 2012, the "Bible Code" and Hebrews from the future going back to ancient Lemuria to change the course of history and make the world a better place. And wondering who decided that. And realizing that it was written at a time, long before the internet when it was hard to substantiate the information. People have their beliefs. Some people believe in Pleadians, others in Hathors.
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