Once the Light comes for you, and you realize that It comes as you, though there is a distinct initial moment when everything seems to "change" and the world is somehow different, you cannot put into words what actually has occurred. There is a gradual increase in the light from then on. Just as with the morning light, one cannot distinguish when dawn actually "happens". All you know is that while one moment it is dark, night time, the next, before you can say it IT has happened, everything has changed, and nothing is the same. Morning light comes ever so softly and you call it "dawn," yet you do not know exactly when it comes, for when and what actually takes place cannot be pinpointed. The same with the moment of Recognition, you may say, "it dawned on me", but who knows when or where, for there is really no "when" and actually no "where." From that moment on, you will know you can do nothing, either to make it happen more or quicker, nor can you stop its happening.
Go about your daily life, your heart will find its way home, and in that you will realize YOU ARE HOME, always have been, always will be, non stop, without the skip of a beat.

not minds many,
not worlds many,
not bodies many.
There is ONLY ONE,
This ONE functions in NO TIME, NO SPACE, and thus heaven and earth as you have thought them to be, vanish. Yes, for a "time" things seem pretty much the same, you look pretty much the same, the world seems to have taken a 180 degree turn, but still it appears that life goes along pretty much as usual. However, the Transcending Life (which is a poor way of saying GOD), continues (which is a poor way of saying IS), to cause everything to be realized for what it is (which is a poor way of saying ALL). "Words" are a poor way of expressing, yet they seem to be necessary so long as there seems to be a world to speak to.
This is the Truth your heart has been seeking, yet it may not come to you all at once, but then again, it is always there, in you, within your ability to conceive!
The kingdom of heaven is WITHIN YOU!
AND "you" ARE IN IT!
And there is no separation.
The separation has been as a thought taken in sleep only.
Your thoughts have become clouded over, enshrouded in a mist of belief.
"Image"-ination has veiled the knowledge of your True Self.
Jane Woodward “Transcending Life”
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