Though there appear to be “many” who have awakened, and in a sense this is true, there is actually only the One Who never needed to be awakened, and this One is expressed many ways, at what seems to be many different times. It is like a many-faceted diamond: One Rock with many facets - each facet being one beautiful side of the same Stone, which causes the Whole thing to glitter, sparkle and shine! Regardless the Jesus name, whether it be Moses, Isaiah, Gautama Buddha, Walt Whitman, Jacob Boehme, Francis Bacon, John the Revelator, Paul the Apostle, Sophocles, Plato, Bronte, Browning, Longfellow, or John Doe, It has always been the SAME One coming forth, so that it appears that someone has awakened.
... as you come into your right Mind, the Only Mind there is, the Christ Mind, the Enlightened Mind, you too will see “there are no wind and waves” as well. There is nothing which can trouble your Sea of Glass – your Christ Mind. You are the Sea of Tranquility, the Mighty Ocean of Life, the Great Water out of which flows the River of Life. Once you BE WHAT YOU ARE IN REALITY AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN, you will find that out of your belly (Mind) will flow rivers of living water from this same Great Infinite Ocean of Life called God. There is no figuring anything out, nor reasoning of any sort which will enable you to understand - to be able to allay fear. No, because in Spirit and in Truth there is nothing to fear.

The turmoil in the “dreamer’s mind” is there to the dreamer only.
If the dream becomes a nightmare it may cause him to awaken, and that would be a good thing, but otherwise a dream is a dream, is a dream, and it is only a dream, and yet – there is no dream! No dreamer! It may all sound like a riddle, but it is the mystery which has been hidden, UNTIL the veil is removed. What is the “veil?” It is opinions, beliefs, arguments, reasoning and logic which remains over the inner eyes until one sees the Inner I. Once That Which is Perfect is come, i.e. your True Self is realized, those things are done away, for they are done away in Christ. They disappear. You no longer can think that way ever again and all arguments simply dissolve. All becomes as clear as crystal, all your needs are met, your world is changed, and your provision comes with you – whether it be home, companion, money, or things. You seek not things anymore, but things come regardless. You are coming into manifestation in this moment, and all comes with you. There would be no need if you were not. But, because you ARE, there are needs which come with you, but these needs come with the supply to meet them at the same time, so that the need and the supply is essentially the same thing. All is new, beautiful, perfect and complete, for YOU ARE COMPLETE IN HIM. Him? The One you Truly Are. Your True Self. The ONE you are in the darkest night, when you can see neither your hands nor your feet. When there is thick darkness – as thick as a man’s hand, so that you can see nothing – YOU are still aware. You are aware no matter what, aware that all is well, that YOU ARE. That YOU, that one you call I, is the ONE that is AWARE in the darkest dark! That AWARENESS is the LIFE YOU ARE!
Come and BE what you are! Take your eyes off “this world.” Set your mind on things above, because then your mind will be kept in Perfect Peace, because that is WHAT you are: The One Mind, the Mind at Peace, knowing: All is well – and “Nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Know Heaven in your earth. Know freedom and peace. Know Life as Life knows you! Know thy Self! Let your earth keep silent. Be still and recognize the Silence, for in It you will be enveloped in Life and Love, and the things of “this world” will truly grow more and more dim. For surely: God is All.
Jane Woodward "Regarding The World Of Appearances” [2005]
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