Set before you are two trees (minds), one the knowledge of good and evil (double-mindedness) is an illusion, the other – the Real – is the Tree of Life (the Mind of Christ). Choose ye this day which you will serve. Choose Life. You have the mind of Christ – why move out of the garden of all good? Why put more on your self than you can bear? Why separate your self from the Love, which is God, when the Love You are can never separate Itself from you?

There is ONLY ONE POWER, one True and Living Power – One Life, One Mind, One Heart, One Love.
There is no garden of good and evil, only the Garden of Abundant Love and Grace. Jane Woodward “Thoughts Upon Awakening [2004]”
Divine Science is revealing to us two things: first, that healing is not a physical process but, spiritual realization; and second, that health is not a condition of physical well-being only but the realization of a state of wholeness in the individual. Healing is the turning from the belief in disease to the realization of God’s Presence and Perfect Activity. God is health. Do I hear you asking, “Since God is health and God is omnipresent, what is there to be healed?” There is only one condition to be healed--our misconceptions. Nona Brooks “Mysteries [1924]”
What is healing?
Is it the changing of conditions? No.
Is it the rearrangement of thoughts? No.
Is it the adjustment of dreams? No.
Healing is one's awakening from sleep and dream.
While it is true that there are no events in a dream; nor any one in a dream; still it is true also that so long as I accept any imperfection before me, I am dreaming. If I see Imperfection, or hear imperfection, or feel imperfection, I can do so only in a dream: I cannot do so in God, my perfect state. if I believe that another is reporting sickness, discord or limitation of any kind, I am forced to admit that insofar as I am concerned, I am dreaming it; for it is certain that all I know of another is my consciousness of him; and were I functioning fully from my God-Perfection, I would not be cognizant of imperfection anywhere. Lillian DeWaters “The Practice Of Reality”
Thought is the great builder in human life: it is the determining factor. Continually think thoughts that are good, and your life will show forth in goodness, and your body in health and beauty. Continually think evil thoughts, and your life will show forth in evil, and your body in weakness and repulsiveness. Think thoughts of love, and you will love and will be loved. Think thoughts of hatred, and you will hate and will be hated. Each follows its kind. Ralph Waldo Trine “Thoughts I Met On The Highway [1919]”
There is no separation.

God is all and God is Mind,
thus all which appears to be –
is in Mind,
and actually is Mind.
Understanding comes of Sound Mind, the True and Only Mind.
The body, as you think of it, is "in Mind" as well.
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