Sunday, March 20, 2011

"Let me illustrate what I mean by the danger of one little improper thought."

Said Walter Russell to a group of salesmen he was training.

"A nationally known real estate man, who was considered one of the best salesmen in New York, had a client for a hundred thousand dollar cooperative apartment in one of my buildings.

The client asked him to come to his house one night in reference to the sale.

This meant the cancellation of theater tickets by the salesman.

He said to me: 'I've got to go up and sell that man an apartment because I need the money, but I do wish the old fossil would pick daytime instead of nights!"'

"To me that attitude of mind was a shock and I told him that his sale was impossible because that thought would get across to his client and prevent the sale.

And it did.

He reported to me that the sale was off for good, but I knew better, for I closed the sale the next morning myself."

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