The Quimby Memorial Church is an outgrowth of the Quimby Memorial Church and Foundation of New York City. The Church and Foundation were under the direction of Dr. Ervin Seale, a former minister of the Church of the Truth and president of The International New Thought Alliance.

I first heard of Dr. Seale a few years ago. I stumbled upon his lecture on Quimby given at Unity Village in 1981[1] at the Quimby website[2]. Although the word stumble upon is probably a bad choice of words, there are no accidents. (What is is).He was remarkable, insightful, eloquent and brilliant. What enthusiasm! Here was a man talking of his life’s work. Not being completely familiar with Quimby at the time I didn’t appreciate some of what he said at that time. He talked of Miss Eleanor Mel, who led the Boston Home of Truth for more than forty years.“She was a great healer but a lousy preacher”. He’d even met Quimby’s granddaughters at the Quimby homestead.
And in his mission to publish the Quimby material he stayed true to his ideals. Not changing a word, leaving it exactly as Quimby wrote it, in the language of that era.
Two great men. One common mission. Truth.
[1] Dr. Ervin Seale gave a series of lessons entitled "The Quimby Writings" in February, 1981. These lessons were recorded at the Unity Village Chapel. [Parts 1-8]
[2] http://www.ppquimby.com/
[3]The Complete Writings: /Vol1 or Vol 2 by Phineas Parkhurst Quimby and Ervin Seale[4] “Mingling Minds: Phineas Parkhurst Quimby's Science of Health & Happiness” Ervin Seale“Mingling minds: Some commentary on the philosophy and practice of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby” by Ervin Seale (1986)I’ve gone to Unity. Some Fillmore, a touch of Butterworth, little Myrtle, less Cady, scarcely Militz and never Quimby.New Thought replaced by New Age.
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