I went with a friend to see a medium. I think it was the medium that R. J. Shaw used to communicate through. When we arrived at the house, we were informed that there was a gentleman there to be examined who was sick. And as the gentleman I was with was acquainted with the medium, he asked if we could not sit down at the same time, and being informed we could, we took seats at the table. The medium was a young lass, about sixteen years old, a very pleasant appearing young person but not much knowledge in the medical profession. In a short time the raps commenced. The doctor gave notice of his presence by loud raps. He was then asked by the sick man, What was the matter. The lady medium wrote out the trouble, but as I had my doubts in regard to her skill, I was troubled for her. This affected her and her hand stopped writing and shaking and moved towards me. My friend asked what that meant. It was not for me to tell. I then asked the medium if I was a medium and the answer came, three loud raps. I then asked what kind of a medium; it wrote, a healing medium, and I then went on to help the young lady out of her trouble and everything I said to the old man in regard to his health was backed up by raps or writing. This experiment was just like mesmerism. I then told my friend that if there was a medium in the sitting that was a truthful medium I could prove to him I was a healing medium.

The communications were of that character that affected the ladies very much and I was very much surprised that the company could not see how exactly it agreed with mesmerism.
At last it came to my friend's turn; he replied the same as I did. But it was unsatisfactory to the rest, as he was a strong believer. I then touched his toe to put him in mind of what I was to prove to him without letting anyone of the company know that I could see the spirits. He then asked if there was any medium present.
The answer came by raps, "Yes."
"What kind of a medium?"
The alphabet was then called for and spelled out "seeing medium."
This seemed to astonish the whole company.
He then asked if he was the medium.
The answer was "no," until it came to me.
When asked if I was the medium, loud raps signified, "yes."
I then asked if I see you, the raps came "yes."
I then said, "If I will describe your person and dress, will you say to the company whether I am right."
The raps came "yes" to every remark I made in regard to her person or self.
The answer to all was "yes."
I then said to my friend, "What do you think of that?"
He replied, "I don't believe you see the spirits."
"Do you hear him?" said I, and loud raps followed. "Do you hear that, my friend?"
"Yes, but I don't believe it."
The raps came very loud to prove I really saw the spirit.
I then asked my friend to explain it.
He said it was mesmerism.
"Well," said I, "so is all the rest."
He would not agree to that.
He said, "All the other experiments were spiritualism except mine."
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