Thursday, March 31, 2011
"Retain the good and reject the evil."

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Welcome to Dirty Electricity (DE), sometimes called ELF, ELFR
Electrical Pollution Solutions http://www.stetzerelectric.com/ http://www.electricalpollution.com/ provides references dealing with power quality issues and provides information about the Graham/Stetzer filters and the Stetzerizer™ meter Non-ionizing radiation is also electromagnetic radiation. Non-ionizing radiation does not have enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules. Examples of non-ionizing radiation include radio waves, microwaves, and visible light.
Non-ionizing radiation does have energy. It is non-ionizing radiation that gives you that sun burn when you forget to wear sun screen. It is non-ionizing radiation that enables the microwave to cook your pizza. Radios and cell phones receive signals in the form of radio waves which is also a type of non-ionizing radiation.

Radiation Extremely low frequency (ELF) is a term used to describe radiation frequencies from 3 to 30 Hz.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Stretching the Mind to Take in All of God
In this day of the coliseum, the gymnasium, and the daily dozen, I know it may sound impractical and visionary to suggest that the spirit deserves as much care as the body. You will find yourself in a new world where your God no longer dwells in churches and meeting-places and forms and days, but where He governs every minute of every day of every year. You will find yourself in a new world where immortality will no longer be sought as something far away, to be found at some far distant time, for you will know that you are immortal now, and that the entire universe with all its good and with all its beauty belongs to you now and forever.
The following may open your eyes a wee bit to the possibilities you yourself might work out in prayer.
Stretching the Mind to Take in All of God
1. Our Heavenly Father, we know that Thy Love is as infinite as the sky is infinite, and Thy Ways of manifesting that Love are as uncountable as the stars of the heavens.
2. Thy Power is greater than man's horizon, and Thy Ways of manifesting that Power are more numerous than the sands of the sea.
3. Thy Wisdom is greater than all hidden treasures, and yet as instantly available for our needs as the very ground beneath our feet.
4. Thy Joy is brighter than the sun at noonday and Thy Ways of expressing that Joy as countless as the sunbeams that shine upon our path.
5. Thy Peace is closer than the atmosphere that wraps us around, and as inescapable as the very air we breathe.
6. Thy Spirit is as pure as the morning dew, and yet as impervious to all that is unlike itself as the diamond which the dew represents.
7. As Thou keepest the stars in their courses, so shalt Thou guide our steps in perfect harmony, without clash or discord of any kind, if we but keep our trust in Thee. For we know Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee. We know that, if we acknowledge Thee in all our ways, Thou wilt direct our paths. For Thou art the God of Love, Giver of every good and perfect gift, and there is none beside Thee. Thou art omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, in all, through all, and over all, the only God. And Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever. Amen.
When a visitor comes, accept him as a messenger from

Friday, March 25, 2011
Housing bubble of the 1870’s, the Long Depression
Camp Farthest Out

Founder of "The Camps Farthest Out"
A Presbyterian, reared in the church, teaching in a Presbyterian college, and Sunday School teacher. For thirty years he was a professor of literature and athletic coach at Macalester College, A Presbyterian liberal arts college in St. Paul, Minnesota. He was highly influential in introducing New Thought ideas and techniques into the churches.
He was deeply religious and something of a mystic, a great believer in prayer. He first came into prominence through an article in the Atlantic Monthly, "The Soul's Sincere Desire"
In 1930 he organized a summer camp of his own in Koronis, Mn., to which he gave the name "Camp Farthest Out." By 1961 there were forty-one of them, meeting in almost every section of the country. He sometimes called the camps "laboratories for experimentation in the art of praying," as prayer and the disciplines of silence and meditation played such an important role.
In “A Man's Reach”, he wrote of being brought to an unusual interest in prayer, and it became his major concern and emphasis. It set him to reading especially the works of the mystics and about them and their approach to God. Among the books he read was “Life Understood” by F.L. Rawson, a onetime Christian Scientist, departed from that church, who had become an influential leader of New Thought in England. The thing that attracted Clark to Rawson, he says, was that "he believed one's prayers could be just as scientifically infallible as the laws of physics and chemistry."During a study group of Rawson’s book, the group would go into the silence, trying to feel the presence of God. The leader would then read a list of names of people to be prayed for, and the members of the group would use the technique of denials and affirmations. Clark discovered "that all Mankind was One, and if we cleared our own mind, the trouble of the one we prayed for would disappear. One strong denial and a number of positive affirmations seemed to be the most effective way to clear our minds."
This was (and is), of course, good metaphysical practice, employed by both Christian Science and New Thought, and Glenn Clark unhesitatingly adopted it and carried it into his own ministry and teaching.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
"Daily Dozen"

Camp was a proponent of exercise, and not just for the athletes he coached. While working as an adviser to the United States military during World War I, he devised a program to help servicemen become more physically fit. It is called the "daily dozen set-up," meaning thereby twelve very simple exercises.
The names of the exercises in the original Daily Dozen, as the whole set became known, were hands, grind, crawl, wave, hips, grate, curl, weave, head, grasp, crouch, and wing. As the name indicates, there were twelve exercises, and they could be completed in about eight minutes. A prolific writer, Camp wrote a book explaining the exercises and extolling their benefits. During the 1920s, a number of newspapers and magazines used the term "Daily Dozen" to refer to exercise in general. Starting in 1922, the new medium of radio began offering morning setting-up exercises using Camp's system.
Treat Yourself to Life
Dr. Raymond Charles Barker (1911 – 1988) was a renowned leader and author in the New Thought spiritual movement. Barker was the founder and first minister of the Church of Religious Science in Manhattan. He was a president of the International New Thought Alliance.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
“Your Mind Can Heal You”
Dr. Frederick W(illiam) Bailes(1889-1970) was born into a family of pioneers in New Zealand and was educated to be a medical missionary. Just as he was completing his training he was found to have diabetes, a so-called “incurable” condition, which prevented him from entering his work. Shortly afterward, he came across the writing of Judge Thomas Troward and began to develop a philosophy for living which led to his complete recovery long before the discovery of insulin. Later, as a student at a large London hospital, Dr. Bailes closely observed the mental factors which entered into the recovery of patients and noticed that certain fundamental thought-patters invariable produced bodily reactions. By encouraging his patients causative mental patterns toward healing, Dr. Bailes soon found remarkable results.
Frederick Bailes was among the most popular and important teachers of the Science of Mind. Dr. Bailes served with Science of Mind founder Ernest Holmes as Assistant Dean of the Science of Mind Institute in Los Angeles. He also headed the largest Science of Mind church of its day. In addition, Dr. Bailes was an accomplished metaphysical healer, having healed himself, using the very technique – “Treatment” – that he explains in these Lessons. “The Science of Mind philosophy,” says Dr. Frederick Bailes, “is not a few psychological tricks; it is a life to be lived.”
Dr. Frederick Bailes gave weekly lectures to capacity audiences in Los Angeles and was well known for his twice-weekly radio broadcasts. He is also the author of “Your Mind Can Heal You”; “Basic Principles of the Science of Mind”; “The Healing Power of Balanced Emotions”; and “Collected Essays of Frederick Bailes”.

Here then are the seven "R's" that Bailes suggests in his book “Your Mind Can Heal You”, a seven step approach.
Relaxation: We assume a position that assures physical relaxation and a quiet mind.
Recognition: We recognize that we are not speaking into a void. We are surrounded by the Creative Mind of the universe, which receives our thought embodied in our words and sets to work to carry it out into material form.Relationship: We consciously unify with the Creative Mind, knowing that we ourselves, the person treated for, and this Mind are all one. There can never be any separation between them.Reasoning: To arrive at this inner certainty, we have to dissolve all doubts. We go through a process of reasoning to arrive at this certainty.Realization: Once we have arrived at the point where we realize the inner perfection of the one being treated for, we shall know it, because we shall have arrived at a place of quiet, calm assurance.Release: We are not responsible for the outcome of the treatment. Our only responsibility is to build a clear picture in our mind of the perfection of ourselves and the one being treated for, and to remove all doubts about that perfection. We now release this picture to the Creative Mind.Rejoice: We give thanks for the success of our treatment, not to influence how Mind works but to confirm our belief that the entire situation is resolved in exactly the right and ideal way.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

In late 1971 and early 1972, Les Crane's spoken-word recording[ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxrsNCLr_xk ] of Desiderata was a major hit in the United States and Great Britain, peaking at #8 on the Billboard charts and #6 on the Melody Maker such. The makers of the record assumed, as had many others, that the poem was very old and in the public domain, but publicity surrounding the record led to clarification of Ehrmann's authorship, and his family eventually received royalties.
In response to his Government falling to only a minority rule in the federal election of 1972, Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau quoted the Desiderata by reassuring the nation that "the universe is unfolding as it should."

Saturday, March 19, 2011
2012 and the Mayan Long Count calendar.
In the Mayan calendar, a baktun is a period of 144,000 days. The only reason for the 2012 paranoia is that it's the end of one Buktun (395 years).
1224, 1618 came and went without incident. 2012 will come and go. 2407 is too far in the future.
So return those ill-informed books, ask for a refund and move forward. Publishers will glady refund your purchase. If the Mayan calendar and 2012 amounts to nothing then what about this supposed planetary alignment?
Mesoamerican Long Count calendar => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesoamerican_Long_Count_calendar
Maya calendar => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_calendar
Friday, March 18, 2011
Dr. Ervin Seale

The Quimby Memorial Church is an outgrowth of the Quimby Memorial Church and Foundation of New York City. The Church and Foundation were under the direction of Dr. Ervin Seale, a former minister of the Church of the Truth and president of The International New Thought Alliance.

I first heard of Dr. Seale a few years ago. I stumbled upon his lecture on Quimby given at Unity Village in 1981[1] at the Quimby website[2]. Although the word stumble upon is probably a bad choice of words, there are no accidents. (What is is).He was remarkable, insightful, eloquent and brilliant. What enthusiasm! Here was a man talking of his life’s work. Not being completely familiar with Quimby at the time I didn’t appreciate some of what he said at that time. He talked of Miss Eleanor Mel, who led the Boston Home of Truth for more than forty years.“She was a great healer but a lousy preacher”. He’d even met Quimby’s granddaughters at the Quimby homestead.
And in his mission to publish the Quimby material he stayed true to his ideals. Not changing a word, leaving it exactly as Quimby wrote it, in the language of that era.
Two great men. One common mission. Truth.
[1] Dr. Ervin Seale gave a series of lessons entitled "The Quimby Writings" in February, 1981. These lessons were recorded at the Unity Village Chapel. [Parts 1-8]
[2] http://www.ppquimby.com/
[3]The Complete Writings: /Vol1 or Vol 2 by Phineas Parkhurst Quimby and Ervin Seale[4] “Mingling Minds: Phineas Parkhurst Quimby's Science of Health & Happiness” Ervin Seale“Mingling minds: Some commentary on the philosophy and practice of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby” by Ervin Seale (1986)I’ve gone to Unity. Some Fillmore, a touch of Butterworth, little Myrtle, less Cady, scarcely Militz and never Quimby.New Thought replaced by New Age.
TODAY is the TOMORROW you worried about YESTERDAY.
A multitude of advisors through the ages have told us to learn and live in the present, but few of us do.
The past is looking back from the present.
Today’s yesterday.
Today’s thought, thought Today.
The future is the concern of what is unknowable.
Today’s tomorrow.
Today’s thought, thought Today.
We move from experience to experience, event to event.
Whether pleasant or unpleasant they can only occur in the present, the NOW.
In reality you live in the present moment, the NOW.
The past is dead except as memory revives it.
The future is a present thought, conceived and nurtured NOW.
We can never deal with the past or future except as thoughts, our concepts of them reflect our likes and dislikes.
Our pleasures or displeasures.
The mind bouncing back and forth like a ping-pong ball between yesterday and tomorrow robs the mind of the present.
And it gets hung up, incapable of forward motion.
Today is the life of life.
Live one day at a time.
Learn to manage this hour, this minute.
You then redeem the past and ensure the future.
Ideas from “Take Off from Within” by Ervin Seale

Jesus spoke in parables to explain his teachings in everyday terms familiar to all the people. The laws of everyday living are explained by Dr. Seale through the parables. The basic, spiritual truths that form the cornerstone of the good life. Think well, banish negative ideas, encourage positive thoughts and then fear and defeats are gone.
2012: The doomsday theories spring from Western, not Mayan, ideas
José Argüelles was involved in the Harmonic Convergence event of 1987 and wrote “ The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology”, published the same year. In The Mayan Factor Argüelles devises a complicated numerological system by combining elements taken from the pre-Columbian Maya calendar with the I Ching and other esoteric influences, interspersed with concepts drawn from modern sciences such as "genetic codes" and "galactic convergences".
The issue?As mathematician Michael Finley notes:
"Since the 365 day Maya haab makes no provision for leap years, its starting date in the Gregorian Calendar advances by one day every four years. The beginning of Argüelles' year is fixed to July 26. Thus his count of days departs from the haab as it was known to Maya scribes before the Spanish conquest. Argüelles claims that the Thirteen Moon Calendar is synchronized with the calendar round. Clearly, it is not."Predictions and prophecies are an interesting phenomenon over the last 30 years.
Nostradamus seems to have predicted an awful lot. But that’s always pointed out after something has already occurs. Cayce made similar unsubstantiated predictions.
Chile Pixtun, a Guatemalan, says the doomsday theories spring from Western, not Mayan, ideas.
Most archaeologists, astronomers and Maya Indians say the only thing likely to hit Earth is a meteor shower of New Age philosophy, pop astronomy, Internet doomsday rumors and TV specials — such as one on the History Channel that mixes predictions from Nostradamus and the Maya and asks: "Is 2012 the year the cosmic clock finally winds down to zero days, zero hope?"
There are other inscriptions at Maya sites for dates far beyond 2012 — including one that roughly translates into the year 4772.
144000 is a natural number. It has significance in several religious movements. In the Mayan calendar, a baktun is a period of 144,000 days. The only reason for the 2012 paranoia is that it's the end of one Buktun (395 years). This would be the first Baktun that's ticked over since we figured out the Mayan calendar that's all. There have been 12 previous Baktuns without incident.

Jose Huchim, Yucatan Maya archaeologist said “If I was Mayan and people asked what will happen in 2012, nobody would have any idea,” That the world is going to end? They would not believe me. They have more real concerns, like rains. ”
Despite the publicity generated by the 2012 date, Susan Milbrath, curator of Latin American Art and Archaeology at the Florida Museum of Natural History, stated that "We have no record or knowledge that [the Maya] would think the world would come to an end" in 2012.
In other words 1618 was a turning point in their calendar. 2012 is. 2407 is.
And the Mayan calendar is good until 4772.
Now you just know there's going to be a lot of back peddling over this.
"The Open Book of Revelation," by Miriam Comer Johnson, of Divine Science. The results of a 3 part/22 class session on Revelation. { Interesting that 22/7 is PI, PI and the Bible. A curious enterprise indeed}
The book is esoteric in nature. The number 144,000 comes from 12 x 12,000 and 12,000 is the number of times we must "think a thought" before it becomes a habit! All of our "human beliefs" are going to eventually be "uprooted" (when we make the next step in our evolution from "human material" to spiritual substance - and this will happen when we live according to the law (= we are ONE with God). The 12 are the 12 tribes of Israel, each of which represents a faculty or power, e.g., Judah = faculty of praise; Reuben = faith; Gad = personal power; Asher = our happiness and blessedness; Nephtalim = our ability to mentally surrender the material for the spiritual; Manassas = our forgetfulness of the material; etc.
These faculties/powers/beliefs are not "sealed in the forehead" until they are joined with the power of LOVE and FELT. (Just as the Golden Key to manifestation/demonstration is FEELING the desire as it would be manifested - and then IT IS MANIFESTED. Ask, believing you have already received.) So, when the 12 powers are FELT and THOUGHT 12,000 times each, they become SEALED in the consciousness - and become the foundation of spiritual consciousness - and then we live from that spiritual consciousness, because our humanness falls away. The undoing of the ego in other words.
I remember reading the "Flower of Life" books talking about 2012, the "Bible Code" and Hebrews from the future going back to ancient Lemuria to change the course of history and make the world a better place. And wondering who decided that. And realizing that it was written at a time, long before the internet when it was hard to substantiate the information. People have their beliefs. Some people believe in Pleadians, others in Hathors.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
“The Science of Mind philosophy is not a few psychological tricks; it is a life to be lived.”

Spiritual mind treatment, he says, "with the fundamental truth that the person for whom we are treating is a perfect idea in the Mind of God, and our whole procedure during a treatment is intended to remove from our own mind any idea or picture of imperfection or sickness." Here then are the seven "R's" that Bailes suggests in his book “Your Mind Can Heal You”, a seven step approach.Relaxation: We assume a position that assures physical relaxation and a quiet mind.
Recognition: We recognize that we are not speaking into a void. We are surrounded by the Creative Mind of the universe, which receives our thought embodied in our words and sets to work to carry it out into material form.
Relationship: We consciously unify with the Creative Mind, knowing that we ourselves, the person treated for, and this Mind are all one. There can never be any separation between them.Reasoning: To arrive at this inner certainty, we have to dissolve all doubts. We go through a process of reasoning to arrive at this certainty.Realization: Once we have arrived at the point where we realize the inner perfection of the one being treated for, we shall know it, because we shall have arrived at a place of quiet, calm assurance.
Release: We are not responsible for the outcome of the treatment. Our only responsibility is to build a clear picture in our mind of the perfection of ourselves and the one being treated for, and to remove all doubts about that perfection. We now release this picture to the Creative Mind.Rejoice: We give thanks for the success of our treatment, not to influence how Mind works but to confirm our belief that the entire situation is resolved in exactly the right and ideal way.
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Once the veil is lifted from your eyes and you see Truth and understand “this world” for the fantasy it is, you will never again be able to see it the way you did before. The veil is removed in Christ (which is Light - or understanding).REGARDING THE WORLD OF APPEARANCES [Jane Woodward] Sept. 2005
Bodies don’t love bodies, "right" minds love or don’t appear to love, depending on what mind is thinking and believing as it equates its identity as physical sees an apparent own or other body (husband, wife) and what it can gain for itself in its idea of physical security, comfort, and pleasure. Byron Katie
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Do People Really Believe What They Think They Do?
"Anecdotal Evidence"
(1) Evidence in the form of an anecdote or hearsay is called anecdotal if there is doubt about its veracity; the evidence itself is considered untrustworthy.
(2) Evidence, which may itself be true and verifiable, used to deduce a conclusion which does not follow from it, usually by generalizing from an insufficient amount of evidence. For example "my grandfather smoked like a chimney and died healthy in a car crash at the age of 99" does not disprove the proposition that "smoking markedly increases the probability of cancer and heart disease at a relatively early age". In this case, the evidence may itself be true, but does not warrant the conclusion.
In both cases the conclusion is unreliable; it may not be untrue, but it doesn't follow from the "evidence".
Common misuse: "I know a person who..."; "I know of a case where..." etc.
When used in advertising anecdotal reports are called “testimonials” and are subject to local or federal laws.
A common way anecdotal evidence becomes unscientific is through fallacious reasoning such as the human tendency to assume that if one event happens after another, then the first must be the cause of the second. Another fallacy involves inductive reasoning. For instance, if an anecdote illustrates a desired conclusion rather than a logical conclusion, it is considered a faulty or hasty generalization.
For example, here is anecdotal evidence presented as proof of a desired conclusion:
"There's abundant proof that drinking water cures cancer.
Just last week I read about a girl who was dying of cancer.
After drinking water she was cured."
Anecdotes like this do not prove anything.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross used denial as the first of five stages in the psychology of a dying patient, and the idea has been extended to include the reactions of survivors to news of a death. (See The Power Of Hope To Cope With Dying by Cathleen Fanslow-Brunjes)
The concept of denial is particularly important to the study of addiction. The concept of denial is important in twelve-step programs, where the abandonment or reversal of denial forms the basis of the first, fourth, fifth, eighth and tenth steps.
These are the original Twelve Steps as published by Alcoholics Anonymous:
1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.
2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
Other 12 Step Programs.
Debtors Anonymous http://www.debtorsanonymous.org/
Spenders Anonymous http://www.spenders.org/
Sexaholics Anonymous http://www.sa.org/
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous http://www.slaafws.org/
Drug Addicts Anonymous http://www.daausa.org/
Sex Workers Anonymous http://sexworkersanonymous.org/Home.html
Cocaine Anonymous http://www.ca.org/
Healing #7 : the law of harmony

The observer-expectancy effect
An example of the observer-expectancy effect is demonstrated in music backmasking, in which hidden verbal messages are said to be audible when a recording is played backwards. Some people expect to hear hidden messages when reversing songs, and therefore hear the messages, but to others it sounds like nothing more than random sounds. Often when a song is played backwards, a listener will fail to notice the "hidden" lyrics until they are explicitly pointed out, after which they are obvious. Other prominent examples include facilitated communication, dowsing, and applied kinesiology[1].
Clever Hans was an Orlov Trotter horse that was claimed to have been able to perform arithmetic and other intellectual tasks.
Oskar Pfungst (1874-1933) was a German comparative biologist and psychologist. While working as a volunteer assistant in the laboratory of Carl Stumpf in Berlin, Pfungst was asked to investigate the horse known as Clever Hans, who could apparently solved a wide array of arithmetic problems set to it by its owner. After formal investigation in 1907, Pfungst demonstrated that the horse was not actually performing intellectual tasks, but was watching the reaction of his human observers.
Pfungst discovered this artifact in the research methodology, wherein the horse was responding directly to involuntary cues in the body language of the human trainer, who had the faculties to solve each problem. The trainer was entirely unaware that he was providing such cues.
In honour of Pfungst's study, the anomalous artifact has since been referred to as the Clever Hans effect and has continued to be important knowledge in the observer-expectancy effect and later studies in animal cognition.
[1] Applied kinesiology (AK) is a chiropractic diagnostic and treatment modality using manual muscle-strength testing for medical diagnosis and a subsequent determination of prescribed therapy. Nearly all AK tests are subjective, relying solely on practitioner assessment of muscle response. Specifically, some studies have shown test-retest reliability, inter-tester reliability, and accuracy to have no better than chance correlations.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway;
it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.
He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him.
Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down.
A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well.
As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it
off and take a step up.
Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and
happily trotted off!
Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt.
The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up.
Each of our troubles is a stepping stone.
We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up!
Shake it off and take a step up.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences.
In other words, the interpretation of a situation causes the action. This interpretation is not objective. Actions are affected by subjective perceptions of situations. Whether there even is an objectively correct interpretation is not important for the purposes of helping guide individuals' behavior.
- If many people in one place believe a false rumour that their bank has become bankrupt, and all of them go to the bank to withdraw their money, the bank will become bankrupt in reality, even though the crisis began simply as a rumour. An example of this during the early 21st century was the run on the British bank Northern Rock which contributed partially to its nationalisation by the British government.
- The 1973 oil crisis resulted in the so-called "toilet paper panic." The rumour of an expected shortage of toilet paper— resulting from a decline in the importation of oil— caused people to stockpile supplies of toilet paper and this caused a shortage. This shortage, seeming to validate the rumour, is also an example of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

William Isaac Thomas (1863 - 1947), was an American sociologist. He is noted for his innovative work on the sociology of migration on which he co-operated with Florian Znaniecki, and for his formulation of what became known as the Thomas theorem, a fundamental principle of sociology:
"If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences".
Healing #6
The reader will find my ideas strewn all through my writings and sometimes it will seem that what I said had nothing to do with the subject upon which I was writing. This defect is caused by the great variety of subjects that called the pieces out; for they were all written after sitting with patients who had been studying upon some subject, or who had been under some religious excitement, or were suffering from disappointment or worldly reverses, or had given much time to the study of health, being posted in all the wisdom of the medical faculty and had reasoned themselves into a belief; and their diseases were the effect of their reasoning.
So you will see at a glance that I must have all classes of mind, as I have all classes of diseases.
No two are alike.
A self-fulfilling prophecy
The self-fulfilling prophecy is
A positive or negative prophecy, strongly held belief, or delusion - declared as truth when it is actually false - may sufficiently influence people so that their reactions ultimately fulfill the once-false prophecy. (And of course Morty Lefkoe is helping people to eliminate false beliefs)
The Second Great Awakening of 1844. The Great Disappointment: A lesson for 2012.
Samuel Sheffield Snow (1806–1870) was a skeptic turned Millerite preacher who calculated that the return of Christ was to take place on October 22, 1844. His teaching sparked what became known as the "Seventh-month movement," which led to the Great Disappointment when Jesus did not return as expected.
The dauntings that followed:
'Have you not gone up?'
'Have you a ticket to go up?'
Some Millerite churches were burned. Some congregations attacked.
In Toronto a few were tarred and feathered while others were shot at.
The Great Disappointment is viewed by some scholars as an example of the psychological phenomenon of cognitive dissonance, the formation of new beliefs and increased proselytizing in order to reduce the tension, or dissonance, that results from failed prophecies. According to the theory, believers experienced tension following the failure of Jesus' reappearance in 1844 which led to a variety of new explanations. The various solutions form a part of the teachings of the different groups that outlived the disappointment.
The Great Disappointment of 1844 is an example of cognitive dissonance in a religious context.

Millerite prophetic time chart from 1843.
Unfulfilled Religious Prophecies
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
To separate us from what we look upon as truth is not a very easy task, for sometimes we think we like the very thing we really hate. This keeps us in ignorance of ourselves. To separate us from error and bring us into harmony is to explain the false idea away, and then all sorrow is passed away. Nothing remains but the recollection of what is past, like a dream or nightmare, and you are not likely to get into the same error again.
All sensation, when first made, contains no direction but is simply a shock. Error puts a false construction or opinion upon it. The mind is then imprisoned in the idea.
You have taken some effect for an element. This makes all the trouble. Error can produce no element but can only create disease and misery. Elements are like true love or science. They contain no evil except when hatred or passion is put in. Then they may take the name of the author of the evil.
For instance, you may love a person, and he may love liquor; you may be induced to drink; your love for your friend may be transferred to the liquor and you may become a drunkard. Now to cure you is to have some one interest you in those who have a distaste for liquor, and in that way if you follow your friend and if he knows what he is about, he restores you to health and happiness.Excerpted from “Harmony II” P. P. Quimby's Writings - April 1860
Our Core states are “Being”, “Inner Peace”, Love”, “OKness” and “Oneness”.
Whether you do “the Work” , “Core Transformations”, study “ACIM” or some other method they can be yours.The Celestine Prophecy reminds us of “Synchronicity”.Minds are joined. All is mind.One mind.What Quimby, Murphy, ACIM and more recently Jane Woodward have eluded to.The Celestine Prophecy is a fictional story or parable utilizing Transactional Analysis and New Age beliefs.And, it also reminds of us that we often get caught up in others peoples games, or melodramas.But, like ACIM says: “I can choose peace instead of this”
It has generally been supposed by all the wisdom of this world that Jesus wanted to teach a resurrection from his body and that man should go to a place independent of this globe. This being his belief he had to illustrate it by parables. Now as absurd as this idea is, it is the belief of nine-tenths of the people of this world. Now let us look at it one moment.
If there is another world independent of this natural world, then I have no doubt that the parables were intended to refer to it; but there seems to be in the minds of all those who believe in this old theory another idea warring against the old one. It is like this: that the other world is only a state of mind and that Jesus never intended to teach the resurrection of the body and that heaven is not a place but a state of mind that will follow us after death. So you see that even with this idea all believe in death. This places man in the same state that Paul was after he was converted to the truth of science. He would often find himself talking or thinking upon these truths and his old superstitious ideas would come and nearly upset him. So that at the time he would exclaim! When I would do good or think right, my old ideas are present with me and that truth that I would like to understand I cannot, for my old ideas or evil thoughts are present with me. So it is no more I, the man Paul, but the old theory, Saul, that is present with me.
So you see that most of the writers of the old and new testaments are explaining the difference between good and bad or error and wisdom. Error and misery make up one character of man, ignorance another. Wisdom is science and has a character of its own unlike all others. It contains no sensation; it is wisdom and nothing else; that is God. Man is in the other two characters and is made up of matter, with this wisdom in it; so this wisdom is in the matter or mind and the mind or matter knows it not. This wisdom is like the chicken in embryo. It grows and breaks the shell and then assumes a character in another element. So science is in ignorance and it grows till it bursts through the shell of superstition and then assumes a character. These two characters are not known in the natural world. The scientific world of wisdom knows the two, but the natural man knows it not. These two characters are in every person and are the cause of all the trouble in the world. The standard of science is not admitted in the natural world and never will be as long as knowledge is looked upon as a gift or power. So long as this state of mind exists, it keeps up a warfare of opinions. I will give an illustration to show where the trouble is. Wisdom is not puffed up; error is.

Wisdom is not dependent on matter for an existence; error is.
Wisdom cannot be destroyed; error can.
Wisdom is God; error is matter.
And as man is matter, God put Wisdom into matter to control matter for its own happiness.
God contains neither happiness nor misery of himself.
Happiness and misery are in the act of matter, not of wisdom. P. P. Quimby's Writings - August 1860
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Spiritualism and Mesmerism II
I went with a friend to see a medium. I think it was the medium that R. J. Shaw used to communicate through. When we arrived at the house, we were informed that there was a gentleman there to be examined who was sick. And as the gentleman I was with was acquainted with the medium, he asked if we could not sit down at the same time, and being informed we could, we took seats at the table. The medium was a young lass, about sixteen years old, a very pleasant appearing young person but not much knowledge in the medical profession. In a short time the raps commenced. The doctor gave notice of his presence by loud raps. He was then asked by the sick man, What was the matter. The lady medium wrote out the trouble, but as I had my doubts in regard to her skill, I was troubled for her. This affected her and her hand stopped writing and shaking and moved towards me. My friend asked what that meant. It was not for me to tell. I then asked the medium if I was a medium and the answer came, three loud raps. I then asked what kind of a medium; it wrote, a healing medium, and I then went on to help the young lady out of her trouble and everything I said to the old man in regard to his health was backed up by raps or writing. This experiment was just like mesmerism. I then told my friend that if there was a medium in the sitting that was a truthful medium I could prove to him I was a healing medium.

The communications were of that character that affected the ladies very much and I was very much surprised that the company could not see how exactly it agreed with mesmerism.
At last it came to my friend's turn; he replied the same as I did. But it was unsatisfactory to the rest, as he was a strong believer. I then touched his toe to put him in mind of what I was to prove to him without letting anyone of the company know that I could see the spirits. He then asked if there was any medium present.
The answer came by raps, "Yes."
"What kind of a medium?"
The alphabet was then called for and spelled out "seeing medium."
This seemed to astonish the whole company.
He then asked if he was the medium.
The answer was "no," until it came to me.
When asked if I was the medium, loud raps signified, "yes."
I then asked if I see you, the raps came "yes."
I then said, "If I will describe your person and dress, will you say to the company whether I am right."
The raps came "yes" to every remark I made in regard to her person or self.
The answer to all was "yes."
I then said to my friend, "What do you think of that?"
He replied, "I don't believe you see the spirits."
"Do you hear him?" said I, and loud raps followed. "Do you hear that, my friend?"
"Yes, but I don't believe it."
The raps came very loud to prove I really saw the spirit.
I then asked my friend to explain it.
He said it was mesmerism.
"Well," said I, "so is all the rest."
He would not agree to that.
He said, "All the other experiments were spiritualism except mine."