Tuesday, April 29, 2014

There is no unbelief.

Often breathe this prayer: "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my
heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer." —Ps.
19:14. Primary Lessons In Healing ~ Annie Rix Militz ~ [1910]


The Light of God surrounds us.
The Love of God enfolds us.
The Power of God protects us.
The Presence of God watches over us.
Wherever we are, God is.
And all is well.
                               James Dillet Freeman


Teach me, my God and King,
In all things Thee to see,
And what I do in anything
To do it as for Thee.
All may of Thee partake,
Nothing can be so mean
Which with this tincture (for Thy sake)
Will not grow bright and clean.
A servant with this clause
Makes drudgery divine;
Who sweeps a room, as for Thy laws,
Makes that and the action fine.
-George Herbert.
THE vision of Truth is of one day, endless, all light, in which all expression is gloriously complete. Its creative method is blissful wishing that is perpetually gratified. The outbreathings and in-breathings of the Almighty Expressor are effortless and irresistible Love.
The Realm of the inspired and inspiring Word is here, and you sit upon Its throne. The elements rush eagerly to serve You. You say, "Be!" and it is so. As toys in the hands of a babe, as skillful tools in the hands of an artisan, as magical words on the lips of the Christ, so do You use the omnipotent forces that bring all things to pass. With a touch You move what You will, with a look You command all things. The dream of toil has passed like a fleck of mist, and You are awake in the Christ-consciousness, Lord of All
Spiritual Housekeeping:
A Study in Concentration in the Busy Life
Annie Rix Militz

All that we are is the result of what we have thought; it is founded on our thoughts, it is
made up of our thoughts. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him
as the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart. If a man speaks or acts with a pure
thought, happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves him. Dhammapada

"I seek not fortune, I myself am good fortune." ~Walt Whitman

There is no unbelief—
Whoever plants a seed beneath the sod,
And waits to see it push away the clod,
Trusts he in God.
There is no unbelief—
The heart that looks on when the eyelids close,
And dares to live when life has only woes,
God's comfort knows.
There is no unbelief,
And still by day and night, unconsciously,
The heart lives by that faith the lips deny—
God knoweth why.
Lizzie York Case. There is no unbelief : a poem (1907)

·         Riches are a state of mind. Riches should circulate through our affairs as air does in the lungs.
·         Nothing succeeds so well as success; nothing prospers so well as prosperity; therefore never make a “poor mouth.”
·         Freedom in giving and receiving is the law of healthy supply. “God [Prosperity) loveth a cheerful giver.”
·         Do not save up for a “rainy day”; for the rainy day will come as surely as you prepare for it.
·         Money must not be clutched. It loves freedom.
·         Carry yourself as one who owns the earth, for you do.
·         Business instinct is spiritual intuition applied to business affairs.
·         Money invested in spiritual things is not loss, but gain a hundredfold. “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow.” They have a law within themselves by which they draw to themselves their own sustenance.
·         Get into the current of the stream of prosperity and your boat will be carried along all right without interfering with your neighbor’s.
·          Read Isaiah 35, 11:1-9, and 65:16-25 and give your mind and heart to the fairest pictures of concord and harmony that they bring into your mind. TRUE PROSPERITY PROSPERS OTHERS AnnieRixMillitz-ProsperityThroughSpirituality

Oxford Group’s The 12 Steps of Wholeness

If you’ve explored Eastern spirituality, you’ve probably heard phrases like “The small self is an illusion. Realize that you are a vast Self,” or “Enlightenment comes through loss of the ego.” But what do such statements actually mean? Connirae Andreas, PhD., developer of CORE TRANSFORMATION (and Core Transformation), has developed a method, called the Wholeness Process, which is a precise and specific model for actually doing what many spiritual teachings talk about. In this training you’ll learn a step-by-step process for dissolving the everyday sense of the ego. The Wholeness Process: A Complete Individual Session From RealPeoplePress @ A path to “awakening”? A new model for resolving life issues?

Robert Dilts 'Wholeness' Process

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