Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Share YOUR Best Self With The World.

You Are Designed to Know What is Best For You
Even though you may think you know what is best for others, you don't. Even though others may believe they know what is best for you, they don't. Each one of us is connected to Divine Intelligence and as individualized expressions of Spirit we receive the inspiration that is ours to be, do, have and share.
You can strengthen your knowing by admitting what you know. If you write down what you know, you draw yourself closer to your higher self. For example, what is the best food for your body? What is the best environment for you to thrive in? What is your natural rhythm? What is the type of work you are best suited for? Basically, what makes your heart sing?
The greatest contribution I can make is to share my best self with the world.

Positively Positive
is about optimism and inspiration.

Quimby: A Case of A Divorced Lady
I will tell you how a patient whom I was sitting with affected me. It was a lady who had been divorced from her husband because she said he was so ugly she could not live with him. At the time I first saw her I told her of the fact and tried to convince her it was a disease, that her husband really loved her and his fears for her health made her nervous. This she could not believe for she said he ill treated her and she knew he was bad. Now this was the fact. They both loved each other at the time they were married; this she acknowledged and they continued to love and respect each other till the lady was confined when, as she said, she took cold and was very sick. Then her husband turned against her, tried to kill her and reported all sorts of stories about her till she could bear it no longer. At last she lost all patience, lost confidence in her husband, forsook his bed and would not have anything to do with him. This story she believed to be true and so it was. But the cause she knew not. Her husband, getting out of all patience, forsook her and tried to get divorced; this was mutual.
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CURED BY WIRE shows that Julius A. Dresser, a pupil of P. P. Quimby, was a healer in 1887.

Terri Cole: Becoming the observer means being aware enough of yourself that you can step outside of an emotional upset or heated situation to observe how you are reacting to it. It means having a level of self-awareness that even when you’re in the middle of a conflict you are aware of yourself. Read more- How to become the Observer and Liberate Yourself
Remember: Expect Miracles!

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