Monday, April 14, 2014

Dollars want me!

In the old competitive thought men sought business and wanted the dollar. Under the New Thought, it is: "
Seek first the kingdom of God and its right living and all things necessary to my happiness will be added to me."
'I don't want dollars; dollars want me. I know it will come.’

It is not any use making that statement, of course, if you doubt it. You must back up your statement
with faith and feel it is already yours. It is rather on the principle of the honey-pot and the swarm of summer flies; you are the pot of honey—the dollars are the flies,

Now the honey doesn't worry about the flies, it is content to be sweet, to give off a faint sweet smell and to stick, but the flies do want, they come from all quarters, they swarm into it, sip its sweetness, and buzz-zz-zz all, all around.
The honey is a power—irresistible power so far as flies go—they want, it is a great center of attraction.

Now say you run some particular line of business—you are the honey—in the world there are many people who want what you have to give them, who will gladly pay cash for it, who cannot help being attracted to your honey, as the flies might be.

Your thought is strong and potent beyond measure, but, when you assume the 'wanting' attitude, although you do most certainly attract, it is nothing like the powerful attraction formed by your quiet, confident attitude of absolute conviction that the thing wants you. The attitude of desire is strong, but the attitude of certainty — of possession—which this new thought makes possible is wonderful, and a veritable tower of strength.

Your magnet of desire must have two poles.
First, you must have something- which the world needs and is willing to pay for. In this respect you must follow the law of supply and demand. You must honestly feel that you will give the Dollar's worth for every Dollar that you desire.
Secondly, you must, in all sincerity, dedicate every Dollar that comes to you to noble service. You can then feel that Dollars want you; that through them you can give what you have of value to the world. Feel that Dollars wish you to use them for the accomplishment of your purpose to use them justly. With this ideal, you can conscientiously invite Dollars and they will come. They need your heart, brain and hand that they may benefit the world.

Dollars are manifestations of the One Infinite Substance as you are, but, unlike you, they are not Self-Conscious. They have no power till you give them power.
''I have dollars!

"Business wants me!"

He who says, "I want your dollars!" repels you.
He who says, "You want my goods and I am glad to serve you!" draws business.

Dollars Want Me
The New Road to Opulence
A Soul Culture Lesson
By Henry Harrison Brown

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