Friday, April 4, 2014

Prayer is the most wonderful experience man can have.

Unlike the daily murmurings of the vast majority of mankind in all lands who by their vain repetitions hope to gain the ear of God, prayer is the ecstasy of a spiritual wedding taking place in the deep, silent stillness of consciousness.
In its true sense prayer is God’s marriage ceremony.
Just as a maid on her wedding day relinquishes the name of her family to assume the name of her husband, in like manner, one who prays must relinquish his present name or nature and assume the nature of that for which he prays.
The gospels have clearly instructed man as to the performance of this ceremony in the following manner:
“When ye pray go within in secret and shut the door and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly” [Matthew 6:6].
The going within is the entering of the bridal chamber. Just as no one but the bride and groom are permitted to enter so holy a room as the bridal suite on the night of the marriage ceremony, likewise no one but the one who prays and that for which he prays are permitted to enter the holy hour of prayer. As the bride and groom on entering the bridal suite securely shut the door against the outside world, so too must the one who enters the holy hour of prayer close the door of the senses and entirely shut out the world round about him.
This is accomplished by taking the attention completely away from all things other than that with which you are now in love (the thing desired).
The second phase of this spiritual ceremony is defined in these words, “When ye pray, believe that ye receive, and ye shall receive”.
As you joyfully contemplate being and possessing that which you desire to be and to have, you have taken this second step and are therefore spiritually performing the acts of marriage and generation.
Your receptive attitude of mind while praying or contemplating can be likened to a bride or womb for it is that aspect of mind which receives the impressions.
That which you contemplate being is the groom, for it is the name or nature you assume and therefore is that which leaves its impregnation; so one dies to maidenhood or present nature as one assumes the name and nature of the impregnation.
Lost in contemplation and having assumed the name and nature of the thing contemplated, your whole being thrills with the joy of being it. This thrill, which runs through your entire being as you appropriate the consciousness of your desire, is the proof that you are both married and impregnated.
As you return from this silent meditation, the door is once more opened upon the world you had left behind. But this time you return as a pregnant bride.
You enter the world a changed being and, although no one but you knows of this wonderful romance, the world will, in a very short while, see the signs of your pregnancy, for you will begin to express that which you in your hour of silence felt yourself to be.
The mother of the world or bride of the Lord is purposely called Mary, or water, for water loses its identity as it assumes the nature of that with which it is mixed; likewise, Mary, the receptive attitude of mind, must lose its identity as it assumes the nature of the thing desired.
Only as one is willing to give up his present limitations and identity can he become that which he desires to be.
Prayer is the formula by which such divorces and marriages are accomplished. “Two shall agree as touching anything and it shall be established on earth” [Matthew 18:19].
The two agreeing are you, the bride, and the thing desired, the groom.
As this agreement is accomplished, a son bearing witness of this union will be born. You begin to express and possess that which you are conscious of being.
Praying, then, is recognizing yourself to be that which you desire to be rather than begging God for that which you desire.
Millions of prayers are daily unanswered because man prays to a God who does not exist.
Consciousness being God, one must seek in consciousness for the thing desired by assuming the consciousness of the quality desired. Only as one does this will his prayers be answered.
To be conscious of being poor while praying for riches is to be rewarded with that which you are conscious of being, namely, poverty.
Prayers, to be successful, must be claimed and appropriated. Assume the positive consciousness of the thing desired.
With your desire defined, quietly go within and shut the door behind you. Lose yourself in your desire; feel yourself to be one with it; remain in this fixation until you have absorbed the life and name by claiming and feeling yourself to be and to have that which you desired.
When you emerge from the hour of prayer, you must do so conscious of being and possessing that which you heretofore desired.
Jesus said: There are many standing at the door, but it is the solitary who will enter the bridal chamber.” Gospel of Thomas 75.
..there is nothing hidden that will not become manifest..” Gospel of Thomas 5
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three aspects or conditions of the unconditioned awareness of being called God.
The consciousness of being precedes the consciousness of being something. That unconditioned awareness which preceded all states of awareness is God – I AM.
The three conditioned aspects or divisions of itself can best be told in this manner:
The receptive attitude of mind is that aspect which receives impressions and therefore may be likened to a womb or Mother.
That which makes the impression is the male or pressing aspect and is therefore known as Father.
The impression in time becomes an expression, which expression is ever the likeness and image of the impression; therefore this objectified aspect is said to be the Son bearing witness of his Father-Mother.
An understanding of this mystery of the trinity enables the one who understands it to completely transform his world and fashion it to his own liking.
Here is a practical application of this mystery.
Sit quietly and decide what it is you would like most to express or possess. After you have decided, close your eyes and take your attention completely away from all that would deny the realization of the thing desired; then assume a receptive attitude of mind and play the game of supposing by imagining how you would feel if you were now to realize your desire.
Begin to listen as though space were talking to you and telling you that you are now that which you desire to be.
This receptive attitude is the state of consciousness that you must assume before an impression can be made.
As this pliable and impressive state of mind is attained, then begin to impress upon yourself the fact that you are that which you desired to be by claiming and feeling that you are now expressing and possessing that which you had decided to be and to have.
Continue in this attitude until the impression is made.
As you contemplate, being and possessing that which you have decided to be and to have, you will notice that with every inhalation of breath a joyful thrill courses through your entire being.
This thrill increases in intensity as you feel more and more the joy of being that which you are claiming yourself to be.
Then in one final deep inhalation, your whole being will explode with the joy of accomplishment and you will know by your feeling that you are impregnated by God, the Father.
As soon as the impression is made, open your eyes and return to the world that but a few moments before you had shut out.
In this receptive attitude of yours, while you contemplated being that which you desired to be, you were actually performing the spiritual act of generation so you are now on your return from this silent meditation a pregnant being bearing a child or impression, which child was immaculately conceived without the aid of man.
Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. – John 14:1-3
The ME in whom you must believe is your consciousness, the I AM; it is God.
It is also the Father’s house containing within itself all conceivable states of consciousness.
Every conditioned state of consciousness is called a mansion.
This conversation takes place within yourself.
Your I AM, the unconditioned consciousness, is the Christ speaking to the conditioned self or the John Smith consciousness.
“I AM John Smith”, from a mystical point of view, is two beings, namely, Christ and John Smith.
So I go to prepare a place for you, moving from your present state of consciousness into that state desired.
It is a promise by your Christ or awareness of being to your present conception of yourself that you will leave your present consciousness and appropriate another.
Man is such a slave to time that, if after he has appropriated a state of consciousness which is not now seen by the world and it, the appropriated state, does not immediately embody itself, he loses faith in his unseen claim; forthwith he drops it and returns to his former static state of being.
Because of this limitation of man, I have found it very helpful to employ a specified interval of time in making this journey into a prepared mansion.
“Wait but a little while” [Job 36:2].
We have all catalogued the different days of the week, months of the year and seasons. By this, I mean you and I have said time and again, “Why, today feels just like Sunday” or “-Monday” or “-Saturday”. We have also said in the middle of Summer, “Why, this feels and looks like the Fall of the year”.
This is positive proof that you and I have definite feelings associated with these different days, months and seasons of the year. Because of this association, we can at any time consciously dwell in that day or season which we have selected.
Do not selfishly define this interval in days and hours because you are anxious to receive it, but simply remain in the conviction that it is done – time, being purely relative, should be eliminated entirely – and your desire will be fulfilled.
This ability to dwell at any point in time permits us to employ time in our travel into the desired mansion.
Now I (consciousness) go to a point in time and there prepare a place. If I go to such a point in time and prepare a place, I shall return to this point in time where I have left; and I shall pick up and take you with me into that place which I have prepared, that where I AM, there ye may also be.
Let me give you an example of this travel.
Suppose you had an intense desire. Like most men who are enslaved by time, you might feel that you could not possibly realize so large a desire in a limited interval. But admitting that all things are possible to God, believing God to be the ME within you or your consciousness of being, you can say,
“As John Smith, I can do nothing; but since all things are possible to God and God I know to be my consciousness of being, I can realize my desire in a little while.
How my desire will be realized I do not (as John Smith) know, but by the very law of my being I do know that it shall be”.
With this belief firmly established, decide what would be a relative, rational interval of time in which such a desire could be realized.
Again, let me remind you not to shorten the interval of time because you are anxious to receive your desire; make it a natural interval. No one can give you the time interval. Only you can say what the natural interval would be to you. The interval of time is relative, that is, no two individuals would give the same measurement of time for the realization of their desire.
Time is ever conditioned by man’s conception of himself.
Confidence in yourself as determined by conditioned consciousness always shortens the interval of time.
If you were accustomed to great accomplishments, you would give yourself a much shorter interval in which to accomplish your desire than the man schooled in defeat.
Ask no help of man; feel, “It is done”, by consciously claiming yourself to be, now, that which as man you hope to be.
“I AM that; it is done; thank You, Father”.

Commands, to be effective, must be to oneself. “I AM that I AM” is the only effective command.
Your Faith Is Your Fortune by Neville Goddard

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