Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What YOU see is what YOU get. II

Projection makes perception; the world you see is what you GAVE it, nothing more than that. The outside picture of an inward condition. As a man thinketh, so does he perceive. Perception is a RESULT, and not a cause.
"I AM responsible for what I see.
I CHOSE the feelings I experience, and I DECIDED ON the goal I would achieve.
And everything that SEEMS to happen TO me, I ASKED FOR and received as I had asked."

Undoing is not your task, but it IS up to you to welcome it or not. Faith and desire go hand in hand. For everyone believes in what he wants. We have already said that wishful thinking is how the ego deals with what it wants, to make it so. There is no better demonstration of the power of wanting, and therefore of faith, to make its goals seem real and possible. Faith in the unreal leads to adjustments of reality, to make it fit the goal of madness.

"Do I DESIRE a world I rule, instead of one where I AM ruled?
Do I DESIRE a world where I am powerful, instead of helpless?
Do I DESIRE a world in which I have no enemies, and cannot sin?
And do I want to see what I denied, BECAUSE it is the truth?"
The final question is the same as are the other three, except in TIME. The others are decisions which can be made, and then unmade, and made again. But truth is constant.

"Is this what I would see?" "Do I WANT this?" This is your one decision; this the condition for what occurs. It is irrelevant to HOW it happens, but not to WHY. You HAVE control of this. And, if you choose to see a world without an enemy, in which you are not helpless, the means to see it WILL be given you.
[Ch 21]
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23.7
"Make a special effort to see and understand the phrase _pleasurable pain_. The pain is pleasurable to your imaginary self. It loves it! It wants to feel _more_ pleasurable pain. In other words, it's a sick pleasure of a neurotic nature. It says — you don't say it, because in reality you're not your neurotic nature - but it says,
'Oh, how nice — that vibration, that shaking, that shame, that pain. That's my life. I know how to keep my life going. I'll suffer!'
It knows how to trick you into letting it live its life through you and fool you into thinking that you are living your life.
You're not living your life at all. You just think you are. And no one ever explained it to you before. And if they had in previous years, you wouldn't have wanted it, because it did its bad work so perfectly that you never saw through it. " VH
“All that I see is me.”
We access our power, abundance and joyfulness through our feelings. Think of one or more situations that bring a smile to your face. We see the world around us through eyes clouded by our own beliefs. As long as you believe that "evil" and "loss" exist, that is what you will see. The Principle involved is: All that I see is me. I am the whole of the Universe. Nothing can be done to me or be taken from me since there is no "other." When you are clear that all is love, you will not feel the need to explain anything to anyone. You will know that each person, in the fullness of his power, is choosing to have the exact experience she came to the human to have. And, one choice is not better than another.
Our bodies mirror the state of our consciousness, which includes the collective consciousness beliefs in how to look, act, age and die.
Our power is in our feelings. Reclaiming our power is the real game in town. The power is unconditional love that keeps expanding as we feel more and more appreciation.
The creation of our beliefs and the ways we keep them in force require incredible ingenuity and creativity. For this we feel appreciation. As for when, most beliefs are created early in our lives. Since we have lived with them for such a long period of time, they seem an integral part of us.
A debt is a disguise for abundance. You use the power of who you really are -- The God Presence -- to create the illusion that you are not in the midst of total abundance and power. If you can feel the power sitting right in the disguise you call debt. Making yourself seem powerless when you are really in the fullness of your power is a remarkable accomplishment. Feel appreciation for yourself for this achievement. You have been very persistent and persevering in keeping the illusion of powerlessness alive. These same attributes are available to you in uncovering the truth. Use them to keep feeling the power in the disguise of debt until you reclaim the power. Arnold M. Patent

Laws of the Universe (1985) are from an early basic workshop given at an A.R.E. [Edgar Cayce' s Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E. ...] conference by Patent..

Download Laws of the Universe Part I
Download Laws of the Universe Part II

The world is our mirror, because we are one, and we attract exactly those people and circumstances that are attuned to us. The Law of Attraction is in fact the Law of the Power of Minds that are joined. Arnold came to these insights through the teachings of A Course in Miracles.

"DEPRESSION EXPLAINED Imagine a lost hiker in the thick woods who seeks a way across a deep canyon just ahead. At various moments he catches brief glimpses of a strong bridge ahead, but in his panic he forgets it. Depression occurs when you temporarily forget what you glimpsed for sure - the bridge of Truth. Depression over any- thing is impossible to anyone who has crossed over to the new world. See the bridge, remember the bridge, cross over the bridge!" VH
You need never be dependent upon others for anything of any kind if you will hold this text faithfully:
"Jehovah-Jireh -
YHWH will provide - The Lord will provide."

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