Thursday, February 21, 2013


"Now, one of the hardest things for a man to grasp is that it is SUPERBLY GOOD TO SEE THE BAD. The badness in itself is not good but awareness of it is wonderful, for freedom from the painful game results. It is like a doctor's discovery of an illness, which produces healthy treatment."

A traveler in Tibet was guiding his horse along a narrow mountain trail. At various places the path grew vague and divided. This aroused frustration, for he wanted to end the hazardous journey as soon as possible. When approaching some bushes, a large dog leaped out, barking fu- riously and blocking the trail. Reluctantly halting, the annoyed traveler considered ways to get rid of this unexpected enemy. Then a man appeared who said, 'He is not trying to block your way, but to show you the way. A dangerous bend is just ahead. Keep to the right and you will be safe.' Frustration of desire seems to be an enemy only because we fail to grasp its deeper message of safe guidance."

Detach your inner world from the outer world. Your eyes see someone with whom you quarreled? Let your eyes alone be active, let your mind remain quiet. Your ears hear that someone slandered you? Let your ears only be active, let your spirit be still. Your inner Reality does not believe in outer appearances. Nothing forces you to admit a wolf into your home. You can stop trouble from entering any time you remember this. Remember this all day long."

"The more intelligent the mind the more it deliberately questions its present positions."

"It is cosmic intelligence to see through our pretenses."

"A small seed of your own understanding is worth more than a forest of theories offered by others."

JOLT An unexpected experience that temporarily makes you aware of yourself in a new way. Something that suddenly and temporarily shakes you awake."

"You must first remember yourself in order to make things right, after which you can forget yourself to make things easy."

"If we get into trouble we can be sure it was caused by the invented personality."

"The whole world is utterly impractical. Millions and millions of human beings chasing around thinking that they're being practical when all their minds are on all day long is making money, winning ego-victories, protecting themselves from a world they fear. Not seeing, by the way, that they're really fearing the world inside of them. And when you get rid of the fear of yourself you don't fear the world out there because they're both the same thing."

"Haunting phantoms disappear before the very eyes of whoever approaches them with the intention to understand their nature."

"You have no duty to accept any idea as true until you have personally proven it."

"Harry H., who represented an American firm in Holland, wanted to know, 'What is meant by self-interest? We are told it is wrong to be constantly concerned with ourselves, but how can it be avoided?' 'There are two kinds of self-interest, one of them destructive, the other of supreme value. All harm ful self-interest arises from think- ing wrongly about yourself, especially in the area of self-images. If you wrongly think you possess a self which is apart from the whole of nature, and which must therefore compete and fight with other people and events, you have destructive self-interest. And it is an exhausting fight which you cannot win, for there is no such self which exists apart from the whole. It is like fighting an imaginary ghost.'"
These Vernon Howard-isms were all associated with June 24th. My blog, my birthday.

I saw somebody’s stuff on YouTube yesterday and was reminded of Guy Ballard’s Ascension and “I AM” movement from the 30’s. I should think current interest should have petered out with 2012 being a bust.

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