Monday, February 4, 2013


"Every man, every woman must take time daily for quiet and meditation. In daily meditation lies the secret of power. No one can grow in either spiritual knowledge or power without it."
More>> H. Emilie Cady: "In daily meditation lies the secret of power".

To sit down in silence could at least pledge me to nothing; it might open me (as it did that morning) the very gate of heaven. And since that day, now more than seventeen years ago, Friends' meetings have indeed been to me the greatest of outward helps to a fuller and fuller entrance into the spirit from which they have sprung; the place of the most soul-subduing, faith-restoring, strengthening, and peaceful communion, in feeding upon the bread of life, that I have ever known.

This meditation, this being still in God, is a fundamental. And yet, even amongst Christians, there isn't one in ten thousand who seriously practices meditation as a fundamental need of the Christian Way of Life. We talk our way to God - yes - in many prayers. We try to understand the infinite by definition. We listen to dogma and creed, and often great philosophies concerning God. But very seldom do we close down our thinking and say, "Here Lord. Here am I. Take me as I am. You know what to do with me, Father. Do it. I am here." And to be still, receptive and listening to all that God will pour forth. It can only happen when we become absolutely convinced that the Great Father will do these things in the Silence. It can only happen when we are absolutely sure that the greatest activity that can ever happen in a human being comes when we become still and stop doing ourselves.
"In the Silence of my soul, I listened to the Lord"
 We live in a nervous, hurrying age, and too much cannot be said about the resources of the meditative life. Nevertheless, certain vaguenesses have crept in, and some people have followed the wrong clue in their search for the values of silence.
Entering The Silence
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Quimby, Mental Science and New Thought and the SILENCE.
. . . The Great Silence . . .

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