Monday, March 5, 2012


For his ninth PBS( special, best-selling author and teacher Dr. Wayne Dyer presents his Five Wishes Fulfilled Foundations: the five steps to living from your "highest self" and thereby attracting your deepest desires.

He cites Neville Goddard and Uell S. Andersen ( And also cites teachings from the Old and New Testaments, the “I Am” Discourses not to mention William Blake who Goddard often quoted.

Neville Goddard
’s audios and text can be found at
I prefer to read Goddard and others like William Samuel ( rather than relying on the interpretation of someone else.

The wisdom that Quimby noted and wanted the world to know was that besides your ego you have a spiritual side. Dis-ease is a man made belief because you believe we're separate from God.
This "new thought" encompassed some of his ideas but was tainted from the influence of Evans books. New Thought was an extension of this "new thought'. It was of a new age but not New Age.

Prosperity and manifesting may be by-products but what if you're still getting sick?

The 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People
Bears a little scrutiny.
New Thought or New Age?
Are the PHDs valid?
Do they use an alias?

Do they promote “Fantasy masquerading as science”?
Is channeling real or an over active imagination?
Why People Believe Weird Things. (

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