DEAR ____,
We have to watch our thoughts continually. "Watch and pray," and" pray without ceasing," and directly we think a wrong thought, that is, even any thought that is not harmonious, we have to drive it out of our mind, and cease thinking of things material, raising the level of our thoughts until we are thinking of God and things spiritual or truly mental. This is true prayer, conscious communion with God.
One method of doing this is to group our thoughts under three headings:--
1. Turn in thought to God and heaven, which is a perfect condition of consciousness or "divine state of mind." This is essential.
2. Deny the existence in heaven of the wrong thing thought of, seen, or felt. When, for instance, you see an angry man, or feel angry, or think of anger in any way, realize with all the power, earnestness, and conviction at your command, that there is no anger in the spiritual kingdom, the kingdom of heaven, the reality. This is called the denial.
3. Realize the existence of the opposite; namely, in reversing the thought of anger, realize that in heaven, the world of reality, all is perfect peace and infinite love. Dwell on this realization, and get it as clear as possible. This is called the affirmation. I think that, if there is then time, it is advisable to split up one's thoughts into two more headings, namely:
4. Realize why this is so; namely, because God, the Principle of good, rules and governs, and heaven is the manifestation of His government. This heaven is everywhere, for there is nothing but God and His manifestation.
5. Try to form as clear an idea as you can of God and His manifestation, heaven.
Reversing our thoughts in this way all day long is prayer without ceasing, and is not only leading us "Continually to "abide in the secret place of the Most High," but is teaching us to recognize, clearly and persistently, that all sin, disease, worry, limitations, and all other effects of wrong so-called thoughts, are non-realities, i.e., have no permanence about them. It is also teaching us to realize the truth continually, namely, that God and His manifestation are spiritual, perfect, and omnipresent. Your progress depends solely upon the number of seconds during the twenty-four hours that you are thinking of this reality.
Do not take this as a hard-and-fast rule for working; it is only the way that I have found the most helpful. Let God teach you the way to work, not man. "Prove all things: hold fast that which is good." If you constantly realize that God is Truth, and that you know Truth, being the knowledge or consciousness of God, you will be led, step by step, absolutely correctly, as though by a loving father and mother. You will never have to retrace your steps, but will look back with rejoicing along the straight and narrow path by which you have come, recognizing the pitfalls and morasses from which you have been tenderly guarded.
You may have troubles, and find the pathway sometimes rugged, but if you keep your gaze continually fixed on the goal of reality, you will find that these troubles merely spur you on to still higher attainments, and you thereby gain the uplifting joy of relieving suffering, humanity, teaching them the continuous availability of God and the meaning of "the peace of God which passeth all understanding."
Yours sincerely,
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