The first and most important fact is that there is nothing but God and His manifestation; the only wisdom, the only power, the only activity, the only consciousness, the only movement, is that of God. The material man is a mere dream man, and is best expressed as a series of mechanical cinematographic pictures, having no life or intelligence, flashing by and hiding heaven from us. It looks as if an effect was always preceded by a cause, but this is only because nearly always the cinema pictures were fixed in this way at the so-called beginning of the material world, and so fixed without rhyme or reason. The same cause is not always, or even often, followed by the same effect, as it would be if there were true cause and effect.
The only reality is God and His mental or spiritual manifestation, perfect man and universe, a perfect state of consciousness, called heaven. Having a false sense of existence, viewed from a false standpoint, a belief of life in matter, the material so-called man has an equally false sense of substance, and sees this perfect world only through a false material sense of it. He has been fooled, self-hypnotised, into believing his material self and the ether- world to be real and true ; whereas the material part of it is simply a temporary misconception of the real man and universe, a false belief of substance in matter, an illusionary effect, cinematographic pictures hiding heaven, the real world, from us. We must voice the truth and "make all men see what is the fellowship [R.V., ' dispensation '] of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God" (Eph. 3 : 9).
Matter is simply a series of cinematographic pictures.
Cinematographic Pictures. The whole of this material world is simply a series of cinematographic pictures, the men, animals, trees, in fact, all so-called life, being merely ethereal counterfeits. These forms have no more life or intelligence in them than the pictures on a cinematographic screen. They are merely shifting appearances. Such so-called material beings have apparently powers of thinking, reasoning, deducing and acting upon such deductions ; whereas, as a matter of fact, these so-called material personalities are merely individualisations of illusory, basic false mentality, and counterfeits of the spiritual perfect beings.
So-called Thinking Merely "Picturing." One cannot correctly speak of a so-called human being as "thinking.'' "Picturing" would be a more accurate expression. The true people are perfect spiritual beings in a perfect world, governed by a perfect God, eternally manifesting divine wisdom.
Human "Thoughts" Merely External Beliefs. A mortal does not create " his thoughts." Every so-called thought that ever made a man apparently think, say, or do anything, existed,, as far as it could be said to exist, only as an illusive, "non-mental," contradictory opposite to true thoughts, ages (to use the human phraseology) before there was any material sign of human being, or even of what is called the material world. Because of false concepts of time and space, these false beliefs appear as though spread out over seons of time, cinematographic pictures * apparently passing in rapid review as mere mechanical automata. Professor Clifford truly said all unconscious action must be " mechanical and automatic. The human personality is a mere mechanical machine, void of any life or intelligence, and the so-called "mind" is merely a "harp of many strings."
* 'Thoughts" Intensify Themselves. When a person is said to be "thinking," that which theoretically happens is, that thought is intensifying itself on the so-called "mind" of the person who is admitting the thought into his consciousness. When a hypnotist, for instance, is hypnotising a person, the thought hypnotises the one who is hypnotising just as much as the one hypnotised. The so-called " mind " of the hypnotiser being a series of closed electrical circuits, the thoughts, sweeping along, intensify themselves by means of this human electrical instrument, and so Harm him as much as, or more than, the person who is being directly influenced.
When you really understand what the material world pretends to be, you will recognize that the only things that can harm you are these "thoughts," or false, "non-mental" impressions, which, until they are destroyed, come sweeping over the "stringed" instrument called the human "mind." When you understand this, fear is a thing of the past. How can you possibly be afraid of being harmed by these thoughts when you really understand that they are merely high-tension electrical currents, absolutely powerless when you know how to. deal with them! All that a human being can do is to intensify them and to make them seem a little more powerful at the moment. He cannot thereby harm you if your mental work is properly done.
These cinematographic pictures are the mist that went up from the earth (Gen. 2: 6), and they hide the beauties of heaven from us. As time goes on these pictures pass in review before us, each group of pictures being a repetition of the same events, false views of the real world, seen as what is called successive periods of history, and recognized by students of the past. Whilst these periods are more or less different, they coincide in their main features, a steady improvement for the better in the cinematographic pictures taking place as time goes on, and each period steadily reducing in length of time.
Each of us is an individualization of that consciousness, an individualisation of the Christ.
" In him is no sin " (I John 3 : 5).
All the spiritual beings together are the Christ,
"We, being many, are one body in Christ"(Rom. 12:5);
"we are in . . . Jesus Christ"(I John 5:20);
"Your bodies are the members of Christ" (I Cor. 6:15);
"In Christ shall all be made alive" (I Cor. 15:22);
"Your life is hid with Christ in God" (Col. 3:3);
"the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all" (Eph. 1:22, 23).
Remember that "church" means originally, "an assembly."
It is held together by the power of Love alone.
"Union with Christ must be something real and substantial, and not merely a metaphor and a flower of rhetoric" (Rev. Charles Kingsley(1819 – 1875) an English priest of the Church of England, university professor, historian and novelist).
St. Augustine says: "Let us rejoice and return thanks that we have been made, not only Christians, but Christ."
" Illumination is not granted to the mere thinker, but to him who acts while he thinks, and thinks while he acts. . . No one can try to purify himself, even as God is pure, without knowing the meaning ... of sin."[ Personal Idealism and Mysticism - William Ralph Inge]
" Even to this day, I doubt whether anyone can be an orthodox theologian without being a Platonist." [Paddock Lectures for 1906- William Ralph Inge]
" Our Lord's teaching is very severe and exacting, but fundamentally happy and joyous. . . . No war is declared against the ordinary sources of human happiness."[The Paddock Lectures, for 1906- William Ralph Inge]
Life Understood From A Scientific And Religious Point Of View And The Practical Method Of Destroying Sin Disease And Death (1947)
by F. L. Rawson