Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ancient Mysteries: Recycled bunk or Legitimate?

W. J. Colville (1862–1917)[ William Wilberforce Juvenal Colville] Colbville wrote about the Occult, Theosophy and Spiritism among other things.
This is a curiosity:Ancient Mysteries and Modern Revelations (1916)
I. Bibles Under Modern Searchlight II. Rivers of Life or Faiths of Man in All Lands III. Ancient and Modern Ideas of Revelation-It`s Sources and Agencies IV. Various Spiritual Elements in the Bible and Classic Literature V. Creation Legends-How Ancient is Humanity on this Planet-Hindu Chronology VI. Egypt and Its Wonders: Literally and Mystically Considered VII. The Philosophy of Ancient Greece-The Delphic Mysteries VIII. Apollonius of Tyana IX. Five Varieties of Yoga-Union of Eastern and Western Philosophy X. Ezckiels`s Wheel – What it Signifies – Astrology in Prophecy XI. Emanuel Swedenborg and His Doctrine of Correspondences XII. The Book of Exodus-Its Practical and Esoteric Teachings XIII. The Story of the Passover and the Pillar of Fire in the Wilderness XIV. The Message of Buddhism-Purity and Philanthropy. XV. Magic in Europe in the Middle Ages-Its connection with Mysterious Healing and Marvellous Deliverance XVI. Ancient Magic and Modern Therapeutics-Paracelsus and Von Helmont XVII. Jeanne D’Arc, the Maid of Orleans XVIII. Andrew Jackson Davis, A Nineteenth Century Seer-A Glimpse at His Philosophy XIX. Bible Symbolism-Aaron’s Breastplate and Other Typical Ornaments and Emblems-The Moral Infleunce of Beauty XX. Life and Matter-The Latest views on Evolution-Position of Sir Oliver Lodge XXI. The Law of Seven and the Law of Unity XXII. Spiritualism and the Deepening of Spiritual Life XXIII. The Esoteric Teachings of the Gnostics-The Divine Feminine XXIV. Halley’s Comet-It’s History and Portent-Visible in 1910 I guess in Occult, Theosophy and Spiritualism circles Halley`s Comet was a sign of something. His other books: Fate Mastered; Universal Spiritualism; Life and Power from within;The Spiritual Science of Health and Healing; Spiritual Science of Health and Healing
So Ancient Mysteries I saw on TV were an updated version of SAME-OLD-SAME-OLD and MUCH-ADO-ABOUT-NOTHING.
Charles Fillmore of Unity, for example, rejected the Occult and Spiritism. Definitely not New Thought. There has recently been still another revival of the talk about the end of the world. Once again newspaper articles are being written and public meetings held, both in America and in Great Britain, where more or less sensational statements are made to the effect that the end of the world is now due, and may be expected at any moment. Ever since the outbreak of the Great War in 1914 the prophets have been exceptionally busy in this direction, and on several occasions groups of people have actually sat up all night waiting for the end. ... Lecture delivered by Emmet Fox at Victoria Hall, London, on September 6,1933.
The antediluvian (or pre-diluvian) period – meaning "before the deluge" – is the period referred to in the Bible between the Creation of the Earth and the Deluge (flood). The narrative takes up chapters 1-6 (excluding the flood narrative) of Genesis. Colloquially, the term is used to refer to any ancient and murky period.
Jeanne D’Arc, the Maid of Orleans. Down to the present day, Joan of Arc has remained a significant figure in Western culture. From Napoleon onward, French politicians of all leanings have invoked her memory.
Philostratus' Apollonius of Tyana should be of special interest to students of the origins of Christianity. This is because, although you may think that Christianity has a solid history going back into the first century and before, if we follow a historical and archaeological investigation, the first Bible would appear to be that of Marcion of Sinope AD 140. This is consistent with the fact that archeological records started appearing dated 180-210 AD. The book Apollonius of Tyana disappeared from the Roman Empire into the Arab world from which it resurfaced in the 1500's. It was an immediate controversy in the Christian world because of the parallels with the Bible. For example Apollonius was educated in Tarsus and had a connection with Ephesus. Apollonius cast out demons and raised people from the dead. Yet Apollonius lived a long time, long enough to cover the lives of Jesus, Paul and all the Apostles. Why is it then that Apollonius of Tyana never mentions biblical events, and the Bible never mention Apollonius? Well it was always possible that Apollonius was Paul, or that Paul was 'plagiarized' from Apollonius by Marcion, who wished to continue his spritual tradition. After all, the names are more similar linguistically than is apparent to us.
Sir Oliver sought to bring together the transcendental world with the physical universe. He affirmed, with great conviction, that life is the supreme, enduring essence in the universe; that it fills the vast interstellar spaces; and the matter of which the physical world is composed is a particular condensation of ether for the purpose of manifesting life into a conscious, individual form. He investigated the famous Italian medium, Eusapia Paladino and was convinced she was the real deal, although she was eventually exposed as a fraud he was in denial over it. He was also interested in the medium Mrs. Leonore E. Piper.
The Law of Unity states that all things are of the same thing, energy, and the presence of anything is a momentary expression of all that is possible. Every existing thing is connected to every other thing in past, present, and future existence. The infinity of all things that ever have and ever will exist, is the unending fulfillment of energy’s potential.
The number Seven has been used since time immemorial to describe the creations and ordinances of God and the subsequent patterns that appear in the natural world. The Law of Seven involves an enneagram and can be traced back to Fourth Way Teachings (Ouspensky and Gurdjieff).
In this new age the HINDU CHRONOLOGY AND ANTEDILUVIAN HISTORY has been replaced by the Mayan calendar and 2012.Which has already turned out to be a big dud.

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