Sunday, August 19, 2012

Clairvoyance, Thought Reading and Association.

On a certain occasion I mesmerized my subject and directed him to go to such a well and measure accurately the depth of the water. He did so and told to one  fourth of an inch the depth of the water. This was Independent Sight (Clairvoyance), because I did not know anything in relation to the well. Now if I had known how deep the water was and thought it, and the subject had described my thoughts and given  the true depth, this would be Thought Reading. If, however, I had taken him to the well and he upon seeing the water or upon being reminded of it, should associate with it the depth of another well he had actually measured in his waking state and instead of giving the true depth, given that of the well, he measured before he was mesmerized, this would be an answer on the principle of association. This is another action of the mind under different circumstances. We have, therefore, given examples, proving to a demonstration that there are such states of mind as Clairvoyant, Thought Reading and that arising from association. That the mind sometimes acts in one of these capacities and sometimes in another and is also governed at other times by the principle of association. Now the difficulty in a clairvoyant subject is this. The mesmerized mind is liable to be under the partial control of all these conditions at the same time and would describe an object, partly from actual independent sight, partly from thought reading and partly from association. 


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