Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Happy New 2015 Year

A GIF for you photo

HNY 2015 photo Happy New Year

This year determine not to deny what has been given you by God, for that is the only reason He has called to you. His Voice has spoken clearly, and yet you have so little faith in what you heard, because you have preferred to place still greater faith in the disaster you have made. Today, let us resolve together to accept the joyful tidings that disaster is not real and that reality is not disaster. Reality is safe and sure, and wholly kind to everyone and everything. There is no greater love than to accept this and be glad. For love asks only that you be happy, and will give you everything that makes for happiness.
You have never given any problem to the Holy Spirit He has not solved for you, nor will you ever do so. You have never tried to solve anything yourself and been successful. Is it not time you brought these facts together and made sense of them? This is the year for the application of the ideas that have been given you. For the ideas are mighty forces, to be used and not held idly by. They have already proved their power sufficiently for you to place your faith in them, and not in their denial. This year invest in truth, and let it work in peace. Have faith in Him Who has faith in you. Think what you have really seen and heard, and recognize it. Can you be alone with witnesses like these? ACiM Text - Chapter Sixteen - The Forgiveness of Illusions - Section 2 - The Power of Holiness

This year you will begin to learn, and make learning commensurate with teaching. ACiM Text - Chapter Sixteen - The Forgiveness of Illusions - Section 3 - The Reward of Teaching

We will not end this year without the gift our Father promised to His holy Son. We are forgiven now. And we are saved from all the wrath we thought belonged to God, and found it was a dream. We are restored to sanity, in which we understand that anger is insane, attack is mad, and vengeance merely foolish fantasy. We have been saved from wrath because we learned we were mistaken. Nothing more than that. And is a father angry at his son because he failed to understand the truth?
We come in honesty to God and say we did not understand, and ask Him to help us to learn His lessons, through the Voice of His Own Teacher. Would He hurt His Son? Or would He rush to answer him, and say, "This is My Son, and all I have is his"? Be certain He will answer thus, for these are His Own words to you. And more than that can no one ever have, for in these words is all there is, and all that there will be throughout all time and in eternity. ACiM Workbook for Students - Introduction to Final Lessons

This year is thus the time to make the easiest decision that ever confronted you, and also the only one. You will cross the bridge into reality simply because you will recognize that God is on the other side, and nothing at all is here. It is impossible not to make the natural decision as this is realized. ACiM Text - Chapter Sixteen - The Forgiveness of Illusions - Section 5 - The Choice for Completion

This is the time in which a new year will soon be born from the time of Christ. I have perfect faith in you to do all that you would accomplish. Nothing will be lacking, and you will make complete and not destroy.
Say, then, to your brother:
I give you to the Holy Spirit as part of myself.
I know that you will be released,
unless I want to use you to imprison myself.
In the name of my freedom I choose your release,
because I recognize that we will be released together.
So will the year begin in joy and freedom.
There is much to do, and we have been long delayed.
Accept the holy instant as this year is born, and take your place, so long left unfulfilled, in the Great Awakening.
Make this year different by making it all the same.
And let all your relationships be made holy for you.
This is our will.
Amen. ACiM Text - Chapter Fifteen - The Holy Instant - Section 11 - Christmas as the End of Sacrifice

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