Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Called by Love

You first forgive, then pray, and you are healed. Your prayer has risen up and called to God, Who hears and answers. You have understood that you forgive and pray but for yourself. And in this understanding you are healed. In prayer you have united with your Source, and understood that you have never left. This level cannot be attained until there is no hatred in your heart, and no desire to attack the Son of God. Song of Prayer, S-3.IV.4

Thought for the Day 
"I am among the ministers of God.
There is one major difference in the role of Heaven's messengers,
which sets them off from those the world appoints.
The messages that they deliver are intended first for them.
and it is only as they can accept them for themselves
thtat they become able to bring them further,
and to give them everywhere that they were meant to be."
ACIM WB Lesson 154.6.1-4

Never forget this; it is you who are God's Son,
and as you choose to be to him so are you to yourself,
and God to you.
Song of Prayer

Click Here to Listen - Song - The Servant's Prayer by James Twyman
Click Here to Listen - Song - Prayer of St. Francis by James Twyman
("Oh, Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace." Set to video images.)

Dr. Marj Britt founded Called by Love in 2011 as the Universe began to call her to a worldwide platform that was beyond the ‘bricks & mortar’ platform of Unity of Tustin.

Start Seeing the Right, Bright Side of Any Self-Shattering Shock
Guy Finley : Although it may not always seem true... there is no "dark side" to any image-shattering truth that we agree to see about ourselves; it is only our present inability to comprehend how this stage of (interior) illumination sets the stage for revelation... that makes us want to hide from its light. Read Entire Writing
Be yourself, create a life you love…
intuition + intention = income

You ready to create the life you love? Let's hear an AH YEAH!

Life is a journey and why not travel along the illuminated way of your highest potential.

There are three steps to this process:

1.      Align to the Divine, the aspect of you that is connected to all

2.      Clear The Blocks, neurological and permanently release the stuck mental-emotional patterns that stand between you and ALL of what you want.

3.      Monetize Your Gifts, develop a business and create a process based on your own experience that you can share with others and change our planet with your love.

My company was first just an idea born from an inspiration in my heart  to serve the planet by sharing my bliss, my joy and healing abilities. I wanted people to see how I saw them, through the eyes of unconditional love. From this vantage point of my intuitive center I could see their gifts, their talents and strengths and the path to support them getting there... Abby E. Gooch  Intuition to Income

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