Wednesday, July 9, 2014

You really can create your own happiness.

Our negative emotions, our stress, and our emotional suffering are caused by the meaning we give what happens to us.
Because events can’t make us happy either, we create our own happiness by attributing positive meanings to events.
Your happiness is not a function of what happens to you. Your happiness is a function of the meaning you give what happens to you.
The way I create my positive emotions—my happiness—on a daily basis is to experience my life as a game.

My goal is to win, which makes the playing worthwhile, but I am not attached to winning. My focus is on playing the game full out, which fills my life with passion, excitement, and happiness.
Because I am not attached to the outcome, I get excited for the moment when I win and feel disappointed for the moment (and only a moment) when I lose. But I am happy almost all the time I am playing the “life is a game” game.
By being unattached to the outcome, the happiness from winning and the sadness from not winning last only momentarily and then fade away. Those emotions have virtually no impact on me. Playing the game full out every day—writing blog posts, creating new courses, leading courses, etc.—is what makes me happy almost all the time, regardless of how any given project turns out. Morty Lefkoe You really can create your own happiness

Students of A Course in Miracles should strive to live up to the ideal of establishing a community of love, their being the loving fulcrum that would join together the Course's teachings with all those they would meet or even think about. ~ Kenneth Wapnick~FACIM-ACIM

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