Monday, July 14, 2014

"Freedom is your actual state at this very instant.

You need only realize it with spiritual discernment. By doing this, you have liberty and strength unknown by those who are considered great in public eyes. They know nothing of this secret force, nor do they want it, for it means the end of their ego centered life. To live from egotism is minute by minute slavery, as every slave knows." Vernon Linwood Howard

 "Let's see if you know what's really bothering you. Now when I put that statement to you, your mind might have searched quickly around to see what’s going on inside you and outside, that is causing you problems, making you nervous and you can even take paper and pencil and write down a long, long list of what is bothering you.

And you can be very explicit about it, that problem at home, my financial difficulties, the fact that I don’t know what to do when a decision comes along, an important decision. You could make a long list couldn’t you, of course you could.

Now let me tell you a rather startling thing. What is really bothering you, listen to this, what is really bothering you is too much of life. Why waste all that energy breaking it down into that domestic squabble you’re having all the time or the trouble with your employer or whatever, why break it down when you can do the honest intelligent thing and say “I’m bothered by too much of life.” Your life of course as you are presently living it. What else? See, now you can’t get out of that, you know that there is something wrong with you, there’s something wrong with life - try to separate them."

VH A Clear Look at Life  DVD # 8, talk 2

Students of A Course in Miracles should strive to live up to the ideal of establishing a community of love, their being the loving fulcrum that would join together the Course's teachings with all those they would meet or even think about. ~ Kenneth Wapnick~FACIM-ACIM

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