Sunday, July 21, 2013

God is always faithful with His promises.

There's a pretty song called, 'I'm Always Chasing Rainbows.'
While it’s a popular song, there’s a reason why it became so famous in its day.

It’s because there is inside it an expression of human yearning for something that is not a part of this earthly level, something that’s up in the sky.
 And it’s an admission too that the individual is seeking but not finding because there’s a certain sadness in the song too. You must omit all sad seeking.
You must realize, and the sooner the better, that what you’re doing in seeking the rainbow, which is symbolic of something higher, that what you’re doing is the only thing that will make you cheerful, cheerful because you have worked according to spiritual instructions. And because God is always faithful with His promises, you feel and you know from daily personal experience, and you can know for yourself, the only evidence that is final and absolute, you can, listen to this, see how beautiful a rainbow like this is. VH

I thank You, Father, knowing You will come to close each little gap that lies between the broken pieces of Your holy Son. Your Holiness, complete and perfect, lies in every one of them. And they are joined because what is in one is in them all. How holy is the smallest grain of sand, when it is recognized as being part of the completed picture of God’s Son! The forms the broken pieces seem to take mean nothing. For the whole is in each one. And every aspect of the Son of God is just the same as every other part. ACIM T-28.IV.9.1:7

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