Saturday, July 11, 2015

Sapiliepah a Radiw

7 Habits of Happier People
1.       Make good friends.
2.       Actively express your thankfulness.
3.       Actively pursue your goals.
4.       Do what you excel at as often as you can.
5.       Give.
6.       Don't single-mindedly chase "stuff."
7.       More than anything, live the life you want to live.
What other people think -- especially people you don't even know -- doesn't matter.

What other people want you to do doesn't matter.

Your hopes, your dreams, your goals... live your life your way.

DIFANG - A traditional Amis Palang song, alternately called "Weeding and Paddyfield Song No. 1", "Elders' Drinking Song", and "Jubilant Drinking Song", or Sapiliepah a Radiw in the Amis language.
Many may not be familiar with his name, but millions across the globe will recognise this Taiwanese traditional singer's voice. A sample of his plaintive Elder's Drinking Song chant was used by Michael Cretu as the backbone for Enigma's Return to Innocence.

I am the holy Son of God Himself. I cannot suffer,
cannot be in pain; I cannot suffer loss, nor fail to do
all that salvation asks.

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