Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Become more of who you are.

Guy Finley: Have you had enough of feeling like you are never enough? Good! Let the following truths do their healing work... [continued]
"Change your views toward yourself and you change your nature. Change your nature and you change your behavior. Change your behavior and you change your destiny. That really is what we want.
Underneath it all, we want to change our destiny, our destination. We want to change the place we are heading for because you know, feel and are horrified by the subconscious knowledge that you’re heading to a very bad place. You’re not going toward anything that ever is going to relieve the heartache. Now to change your destiny, we’re talking about spiritual destiny, to change that, something must overwhelmingly occur to you and when it does you’ll never be the same man or the same woman before. The knowledge that has to come to you is that there is something in this universe that is totally superior to any and every idea that you can think, that you can have.

Vernon Linwood Howard

Do not fall for the suggestion that you can claim the Kingdom of your Divine State through drugs, because there is no possible way to be one with God and a drug! You will never gain God-Being through the God-damning of a drug! What kind of teaching would permit a student to be on drugs and suffer the delusion that he was entering the Kingdom of God-Sonship? Can't be!

Given on Friday evening, January 21, 1977, in Toronto, Canada.
When each of us opens the mind to behold a moment of beauty, perhaps in the guise of a cherished object or friend, it is like being graced by the fragrance of a magical presence. A wonder-filled intoxication suddenly causes everything to fade save what we love and worship as beautiful. Thoughts subside and float peacefully in the gentle wake of the attention that is captured and carried like a babe into itself to revel. . .and reveal. We are at peace, at one with ourselves, and the heart sings in recognition.

"Humility will never ask that you
 remain content with littleness.
 But it does require that you be not content
        with less than greatness that comes not of you."    
ACIM Ch.18.IV.3

To become more successful, don’t change who you are. Become more of who you are.
Sally Hogshead

"When you want only love you will see nothing else.
The contradictory nature of the witnesses
 you perceive is merely the reflection
 of your conflicting invitations.
ACIM Ch.12.VII.8.1-2

When you are tempted, hasten to proclaim your freedom from temptation, as you say: 

This thought I do not want. I choose instead _____. 

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.

Lesson 201 REVIEW VI

The original thought of “I am separate from the All” necessarily creates a lack. Lack creates desire. Desire therefore cannot undo the lack, as lack is not there in the first place, it is not real but assumed. And we go on and on trying to satisfy desire and we never, never succeed. If we could succeed, we would be able to satisfy desire and therefore all desire would disappear! And then we would be desireless!
The only real purpose of being here on this earth is to learn, or to remember, our original natural state of totality, of complete freedom and no limitation. Once we are led to see that this is our natural state, then we proceed to let go of all the limitations. The prime, the very first limitation is: “I am an individual separate from the All.” Eliminate that and you eliminate all limitation, all trouble, all sickness, all poverty.
To say this in another way is to say: “God is all! Let go and let God be. It is not I but the Father who worketh through me.” We must let go of the ego sense which is the original sense of separation from the All and allow our natural Being just to be and then everything would fall perfectly into line.

Thoughts and Talks on Personal Transformation
By Lester Levenson

It is not some place that you are going to go to. If you think it is, it is hell! When you live knowing that I AM the Force to your presence, then you know that the comfort comes, for you do not have to declare yourself to be present because you are so assured of the omnipresence and the omniaction of that constant Presence known as I AM that allows your pseudonym to be utilized and dropped at will as you engage once again the rhythmic dance from sense to Soul. “
Choice Words,” a Spontaneous Soliloquy by Kenneth G. Mills Given on February 15, 1995.

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