Thursday, January 9, 2014

I Trust

My POWER WORD? Keep reading.
 Clan Boyd is a Scottish clan and is recognized as such by the Lord Lyon King of Arms. The name Boyd is said to be descriptive, being derived from the Scottish Gaelic buidh which means fair or yellow. The crest badge used by members of Clan Boyd contains the heraldic motto:

 CONFIDO ("I trust").

From con- (“with, together”) + fīdō (“trust; rely upon”).
present active cōnfīdō, present infinitive cōnfīdere, perfect active cōnfīsus sum (semi-deponent)
I am confident or assured of, confide in, believe, trust, place or put confidence in; rely upon.
Associated Families includes Underwood* alleging an entitlement to wear the Boyd Tartan. Famous Boyd People.
* My mther’s maiden name was Underwood. The Underwoods came from Scotland to settle in Canada in the mid 1800’s. Our family has a Sabre and another sword which I was told is a “Court Sword”, which would have been worn in court. I’m not sure if how the sword is related to the Underwood’s and the Ritchie’s. My maternal grandfather’s father was an Underwood and my maternal grandfather’s mother was a Ritchie. The swords came from the Ritchie’s.
January is Glaucoma Awareness Month!

Your Two Choices
Every day we make numerous decisions. Sometimes we are aware of the choices we are making and often we are not. If you focus in on your moment to moment selections, you will realize there are really only two options you are choosing between. 
It may appear that you have more choices, but you don't. You are either going to choose to live as your authentic self, to the best of your ability, or not. You can hide who you are, temporarily pretend you're someone you're not, however you are not going to turn into someone else this lifetime. Nor do you want to.
Surrendering to your authentic self brings feelings of relief, freedom and confidence while trying to go through life as a compromised version of who you are leaves you feeling frustrated, unhappy and exhausted.
Affirmation: I choose to live the life I am designed to live.

Colin Tipping asks: “Have you assessed how well you LIVED in 2013?” at So Speaketh the Dowager Countess of Downton Abbey (Note his: Here are a few questions to ask yourself:)
Remember: Expect Miracles!

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