Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Relax is, maybe, the ONLY word that your conscious and unconscious mind can agree on.

Lesson 34. I could see peace instead of this. When you reach that state you experience a heightened state of awareness. What if you slip?
You simply say RELAX and you slip back.

ACIM Lesson 49 - God's voice speaks to me all through the day. Free ACIM Daily Audio Lessons by Robin Duncan reminded me that we’re here to remember where we are.  It’s not up to us to change the script but to learn to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit (I’m working on that)

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." E.E. Cummings

When we think of courage we often think of bravery and risk taking. We look at others who are doing things that we couldn't imagine ourselves doing and declare to ourselves now they have courage. Having a bystander relationship with courage is one option but there is another, much more satisfying, way we can interact with courage.
If we can't imagine ourselves doing something, it's probably not ours to do. We could break down 3 aspects of our life and look at them as they relate to courage. The first is those areas of our life where our faith is strong, it may be in our relationships, career, health, etc. We expect things to work out well and they do. We probably feel very little resistance in those areas. We don't need more courage in those areas because our faith is strong and our fear is negligible.
The next area is the shoulds. We tell ourselves I should be able to do this, I should try harder or I should want it more. Our resistance is strong but not our desires.  We may berate ourselves for not having more courage in those areas but courage is not what we need. Clarity is. If we're talking about strengthening our courage in those areas, we're probably gearing up to compromise.
The last area is where we want to carve out more room for ourselves to be and to participate. We can identify this area of our life because we have strong desires and concurrently are feeling strong resistance and/or fear. This is the area of our life that could benefit the most from accessing our courage.  Affirmation: I have the courage I need to be my authentic self. www.receiveyourlife.com

I like the progressive relaxation method of Silva. Although most hypnosis courses teach it. Count down mentally from 100 (50, 25) to 1, then mentally RELAX each part of your body.
I AM relaxing my scalp
I AM relaxing my forehead
I AM relaxing my face
I AM relaxing my eyes
I AM relaxing my jaw
I AM relaxing my throat
I AM relaxing my shoulders
I AM relaxing my chest, back, arms
I AM relaxing my stomach, spine, hands
I AM relaxing my feet
I AM relaxing my toes

And then deepen by counting 10 to 1
 To come out count 1 to 5

One of the nice things is as you relax parts of the body you can remind the internal organs, cells, tissue, skin, arteries etc. that they are functioning in a normal, healthy harmonious way.  What’s to say you can’t? Didn’t Myrtle Fillmore talk to her body parts? Aren’t there holistic practices or creative visualization techniques that focus on parts therapy?

The 'secret' that gets others moved up and taken care of while leaving you behind? 
The answer is not ....
... working harder - heavens no! 
... networking faster or better - sorry, no again.
.... even kissing up to anyone - thank goodness because I was awful at that.
It's about how you should see yourself at your job and I tell you exactly how this small shift in perspective can make a giant difference in how your boss, your management and your company sees you ..... treats you ... and bets on your future! “YOU ARE A VESTED PERSON IN THE COMPANY, A PART OWNER OF THE COMPANY” instead of “you versus the company” ~ Farnoosh

Farnoosh Brock: Forgiving yourself is the most difficult, most humbling and most liberating experience you can gift yourself. Yes, all three at the same time! It takes serious effort to truly and completely forgive your own flaws and imperfections, get over your … [Continue reading]

Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle. ~ Principles of Miracles #3
Remember: Expect Miracles!

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