Sunday, May 19, 2013

There is never a moment when Spirit is not guiding you.

The truly religious mind dwells far above human doctrines and arguments and sentimentalities. VH

Believe in these words: "The Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought." ECH

Right responsibility for yourself _is right responsibility toward others. VH

Keep this law: "Be not deceived. . . Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reap." ECH

Truth is supreme, having no opposition and no enemy, so join truth and possess its supremacy. VH

If you speak from your inner Light, you will be original in thought and expression: "I speak that I do know and testify that I do understand." ECH

No matter how derailed you may think you've become, your life is always there waiting to be received. With a clear intention, you can deepen your ability to receive and get back on track.
You may feel you're going in circles, accomplishing little, but Spirit never leaves you. Even when you're distracted, Spirit is working to guide you back to your authentic self. If you are currently experiencing little joy and satisfaction, it is just an indication that you have been ignoring the call from within.
Once you take the time to quiet your mind and listen for what wants to be expressed through you, you receive clarity. Learning to listen and take action on the guidance you receive will naturally bring you back into alignment with your true self.
Notice the direction in which Spirit is guiding you. What is currently capturing your interest and attracting your attention? There is never a moment when Spirit is not guiding you. Tune into the call today and notice where you are being led.
Affirmation: Spirit is always guiding me to the light.

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