Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Light and joy and peace

The single most powerful, helpful, healthy fact,
which will save you from reading thousands of books of philosophy and it will save you from wearing your mind out, it will save you grief, it can give you an avoidance of grief.
That simple fact is as follows:
It is not necessary to be bad.
And, if it’s not necessary for you to be bad,
which it isn’t,
it is not necessary for you to
feel bad. VH

Do you have a hard time making decisions?
The primary reason people resist making a decision is fear. And the main belief causing that fear is Mistakes and failure are bad, one of the most common beliefs people have.
The simplest way to deal with this problem is to eliminate the belief
Step 1: State the belief (Mistakes and failure are bad) out loud. … You might intellectually disagree with the statement, but doesn’t it feel true on some gut level?  You know you have this belief if you would not want others to know about a mistake you made.
Step 2: Identify the source of the belief. In this case, it usually was mom and dad being critical and annoyed when you were a kid, not because they didn’t love you, but because they had unreasonable expectations and a lack of parenting training.
Step 3: Recognize that the belief you formed is one valid interpretation of mom and dad’s behavior, but there are other valid interpretations of the same childhood events. Such as:
  • Mom and dad thought mistakes and failure are bad, but they were wrong; they are the best way to learn.
  • Mom and dad yelled at me, not because mistakes and failure were bad, but because they didn’t have the parenting skills to teach me how to do what they wanted me to do.
  • Mom and day got upset when I didn’t do what they wanted, not because mistakes and failure are bad, but because they didn’t have the patience required to talk to me calmly.
  • And finally, mistakes and failure were bad in my house; they aren’t necessarily bad everywhere.
Can you see that each of these alternative interpretations explains mom and dad’s behavior just as well as your interpretation, that mistakes and failure are bad? … If they do, then what you concluded as a child isn’t “the truth,” but merely one arbitrary interpretation.
Step 4: Imagine being a young child and remember mom and dad being annoyed because you didn’t do something they wanted. As you imagine this, doesn’t it seem as if you can see that mistakes and failure are bad? …
Most people do have a clear sense they can see mistakes and failure are bad as inherent in mom and dad’s comments and behavior.
Step 5: Can you really see mistakes and failure are bad? … If anything you can see you can describe, with a shape, color and location, you should realize that, in fact, you can’t see mistakes and failure are bad. All you can see is what actually happened, namely, mom and dad’s behavior.
Step 6: If you can’t see mistakes and failure are bad in the world, where has it been? … Do you realize it has only existed in your mind?
Step 7: Mom and dad’s behavior and comments had a consequence. They might have scared you or upset you. But does mom and dad’s behavior have any inherent meaning? Can you draw any inferences or conclusions, for sure, about mistakes and failure from mom and dad’s behavior? … You can’t, can you?
Step 8: If the only place mistakes and failure are bad has ever existed is in your mind and if what you actually saw has no inherent meaning then it wasn’t true.

Wherever you move you radiate harmony if for your daily text you repeat:
"From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised."

I hope you know how important you are in contributing to the "all things are exactly as they should be" concept, on this very day. Because without you, they wouldn’t be.

The self you made is not the Son of God. Therefore, this self does not exist at all. And anything it seems to do and think means nothing. It is neither bad nor good. It is unreal, and nothing more than that. Salvation requires the acceptance of but one thought;–you are as God created you, not what you made of yourself. You are what God created or what you made. One Self is true; the other is not there. Try to experience the unity of your one Self. Try to appreciate Its Holiness and the love from which It was created. Try not to interfere with the Self which God created as you, by hiding Its majesty behind the tiny idols of evil and sinfulness you have made to replace It. Let It come into Its Own. Here you are; This is You. And light and joy and peace abide in you because this is so.
Light and joy and peace abide in me.
My sinlessness is guaranteed by God.
 Light and joy and peace abide in us.
Our sinlessness is guaranteed by God.
 Lesson for April 3rd, 2013

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