Sunday, April 14, 2013

Life flows from the inner to the outer.

The great teachers ... have therefore always entrusted Truth with most confidence to parables, which, because of their simplicity, picturesqueness and association with everyday life, are a thought-form most likely to be remembered and least likely to be corrupted. Each man, then ... can perceive that depth of Truth to which he has a capacity to respond.! Dr. Raynor C. Johnson
Raynor Carey Johnson (1901–1987) was an English physicist and author. He became increasingly interested in "the esoteric" and became connected with the Society for Psychical Research in London.
We must clearly recognize that the way to truth and blessedness does not lie in creating anything that does not now exist, nor in acquiring anything that is not now at hand ... We need only remove ignorance; insight into the truth then dawns. Professor Edwin A. Burtt
Edwin Arthur Burtt (1892 –  1989) was an American philosopher w ho wrote extensively on the philosophy of religion. His doctoral thesis was published as a book under the title The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Physical Science.
It must be impressed constantly upon humanity that the real birthnght of every man and woman is to achieve his own original freedom, that it can be achieved, and that sooner or later it must be achieved. Without this, there is 1W lasting escape from the day-to-day problems... ' Meher Baba
Meher Baba (1894 – 1969), born Merwan Sheriar Irani, was an Indian mystic and spiritual master who asserted he was God in human form, the Avatar.
“. . . we know today that if you make dynamic designs in your mind of how you wish to behave, your will, like an invincible current, pours into the patterns you have created and gives you a magnetic vigor for the fulfillment of your desires. The will obeys the thought patterns or mental images in your mind and operates as they command.” Dr. David Seabury
"How many a man has dated a new era in his life from the reading of a book! The book exists for us, perchance, which will explain our miracles and reveal new ones." (Henry David Thoreau)
Music and mirth are good. Delight in them as Divine. Carry this motto: “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” Learn this principle: The spirit is never crushed. Only the carnal mind droops.” Emma Curtis Hopkins
Our beliefs arise out of decisions we've made. We make these decisions subconsciously, based on our personal experiences and those of others, and by listening to what others tell us. We call these decisions "reality."
If we are not aware that we are actually swimming in a sea of beliefs, these beliefs will appear real to us. So we'll say something like, "It's just the way life is" or "you do what you have to do," instead of being fully present and responding from our core. Sometimes, though, we'll catch a glimpse of possibilities beyond our personal beliefs. In that moment our world begins to expand in ways we never imagined.
The next time you hear yourself saying, "It's just the way life is," ask yourself, "What if I am wrong about that?" What if that is only my perception of life? What if life is more beautiful and joyful than what I am currently experiencing? What if it is possible to love my life each and every day?

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