Saturday, January 19, 2013

God is OUR Peace; WE are Creators

Take time, at least twice a day - though preferably as often as you possibly can - to simply, deliberately become aware of what you are connected to, and then drop it in favor of your wish to have God's Life. Prayer is not about asking for things from God, but first to be with Him, then in Him. This is the essence of prayer. It has nothing to do with gifts. It has to do with awakening to that Being that isn't in time. This is the Gift of all gifts. Guy Finley

You are a natural promoter of harmony and social joy.
You have demonstrated this already if you have said often:

“God is my Peace.”
"Be encouraged toward additional self-knowledge by realizing
that self-insight and self-victory are the very same thing."

Vernon Linwood Howard

You swing your world from right to left according to your dictum.
Be sure to enter into sleep nightly with this thought:
“Divine Wisdom is demonstrated by the perfect judgment
with which I administer upon affairs.”

According to the Judeo-Christian tradition, as expressed in the opening chapter of the book of Genesis, human beings are made in the image and likeness of God. Since the first description of God in the Bible is as a creator, it follows that humans made in the image and likeness of a creator are made to be creators. (page 246) The Path of Least Resistance Robert Fritz

When you're meditating, here's a way to invite those true inner changes your heart longs for: Repeatedly bring yourself back to yourself and then, from within this present self-awareness, realize that instead of being connected to the "you" who is always struggling to get something hoping to become someone, trying to resolve things - surrender yourself to the understanding that the whole issue of who you are is already resolved. Let go and know that Life is complete, timeless, and so are you. Do not go into imagination. The self you imagine will be a secret extension of the self you wish to escape. Everything you need to pray, to wake up, to be new is right there with you. Guy Finley

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