With honest and straightforward simplicity, I am here to tell you that you can never be free of
personal trials and tribulations until you make your own discovery of Reality, God. You will never
find more than the most temporal, ephemeral happiness until you make a personal discovery of God, Isness—until you get off your soft sofa and actually make your own determination of Reality, of Truth, of Fact. You will never permanently rid yourself of the grind and grate in the pit of the stomach nor find yourself free of that feeling of impending doom until you make your own, individual determination of exactly what God is to you!
You, dear Reader, are AWARENESS.
You are not a big tub of ego with a personal name that has had Awareness reporting to it!
The “Awareness” spoken of here is Life, the very activity that is reading these words.
It is now seen and understood as God's Awareness of God, That Which Is.
And is it not true that this Awareness has never reported anything that was good or bad?
Sit easy for a moment and mull this over.
Awareness Itself passes no judgment on the things seen or on the situations experienced. Awareness is just being aware, is it not?
Awareness sees the mountains, the stars, the trees.
It is Bill, Mary or John (who profess to possess Awareness) who makes the judgment.
It is always Bill, Mary or John who likes or dislikes what Awareness reports.
And it is always Bill, Mary and John who suffer the agony of hell when things do nothing to please them—and nothing pleases for long.
Reader, your 'salvation' is simple and easy. It is to come out and be separate from Bill, Mary or whatever you call yourself. It is to cease identifying as an enslaver of God, as a possessor of Infinite Awareness.
It is to start right now and identify correctly as Awareness itself.
There is no yourself, myself or any other self but God.
God is being this Awareness.
This is who and what you are.
You are not a miserable, suffering mortal, so you can stop acting like one.
God, Perfection Itself, is being 'you.'
Awareness itself goes right on being aware of the happiness and resplendent joy of Being. GOD,
REALITY, is being this Being!
Let the old man (EGO) go.
That is not your Identity.
Be Awareness, the faithful witness ONLY!
Relax and let GOD be what you are already!
It has been your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom entire—Your very Being!
Bits from 2+2= REALITY
ByWilliam Samuel1958
If you are reading this it is because you desire to hear the Voice, a still small voice, yes, but never-the-less the Voice of God. When you hear It, you recognize something strangely familiar about it, and then you come to realize that it is your own voice. It brings all things to your remembrance and bears witness of the Truth to you. It brings you peace and brings you understanding. It is the Voice of Revelation, and you stand right in the midst of it. You stand right in the midst of a great Light (understanding) just as Saul did on the road to Damascus. And in the Light you hear and you know It is the most secure place you could ever be.
GOD in a Box
by Jane Woodward

Cut two holes in a box and place it over your head.
What do you see?
Through the eyes of EGO or the eyes of SPIRIT?
Does anyone else see through those holes?
We have had our theology all neatly wrapped up in a box, and so long as no one tries to open our box and let in light, we are satisfied with the darkness or ignorance we enjoy. It is time to break the box and allow the Light to shine in, to reach up, to take the Hand that is offered to us, to arise and walk out of the box, and furthermore to recognize that there is no box!
Awakening we begin to see things from the Inside Out, so to speak, and before we ask the prayer is answered, and we now know how to pray as we ought, because we recognize the Truth: there is nothing to heal, change, or make right, for all is already finished, done, perfect in Reality. Come away from the illusion that things are either this way or that way in a world of opposites, or opposition. Come into the Reality of a Creation declared very good. Realize that nothing went astray or awry except our thinking!
GOD in a Box
by Jane Woodward
As I told someone once, the next time you’re sitting in church or a meeting notice if the seats beside, in front or behind you are occupied. This is a dream of separation. Maybe it’s a recurring dream. Maybe those seats were occupied in a previous version of the dream. Maybe those that occupied those seats woke up. Maybe the dream is slightly different because they’re not here so the future is a little bit different.

NOW, in the silence, be aware.
“I AM”, the way.
“I AM”!
From: Myrtle Fillmore’s handwritten notes
“First Lesson in Christian Healing (handwritten) 22 Oct. 1890”
[ http://content.unity.org/MyrtleCollection/theCollection.html ] are a real interesting read.
“God is All and God is Good.” Good + Evil is both a logical and mathematical absurdity.
“All Good = Life = Satisfaction.” Demonstrated by
• ‘Health of Body,
• Peace of Mind,
• Knowledge of Truth”
The “problem of life” is within every man’s power to solve.
Good = Satisfaction = Life
God is Good and God is ALL
“God is Truth, so Truth is creator of all that is Real and that which is not of Truth and by Truth, is not Real”.
“God is Spirit. Spirit then is responsible for all that is Real”.
“God is Love. Love then is Creator of all that is Real. And that which is not Love and by Love, is not Real”.
“God is Life. So Life is the Creator and Cause of all that is Real. And that which is not Life and by Life, is not Real”.
“God is the only Substance. So God being Spirit, Spirit is the only Substance.”
“That which is All, must must be Omnipresent.
That which is All, can have no opposing power so it must be Omnipotent.
That which is All, must contain All Wisdom, hence it must be Omniscience.”
Righteousness is right thinking.
“Judge not according to appearances but Judge by righteous Judgement.”
• This means, shut off from your mind that looks real and hold firmly to the thought of all that is real. Shut off thinking Evil is real, think of God as All. Shut off thinking that matter is real. Know that Spirit is All. To do this is to lift yourself into Health and Peace.
As regards the concepts of “negative energy”, “malicious magnetism”, “disincarnate spirit possession” or any other adverse power from the unknown Judge Thomas Troward would have said to stare right at it and say:
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