Thursday, March 3, 2016

Our Guides Along The Journey

Marc Lesser provides clear guidance and simple practices for embracing and navigating five central paradoxes in life to increase our effectiveness and happiness.
Our Guides Along The Journey

I’ve been enjoying re-reading The Hero With A Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell, published in 1949, describing the similar archetypal path of humans, throughout time and across cultures.  The first three parts of this path are named as:
–       the call to adventure
The first part of the human journey is to be called, usually unexpectedly to do something, find something, or achieve something.
–       refusing the call
The second part, is refusing the call. Often, we don’t want to answer the call – we are too busy, or it’s too dangerous, or we have other things to do.
–       supernatural aid
The third step along the way, as described by Campbell is supernatural aid.  He uses this term to describe our guides along the way; the people that seem to almost “magically” appear to help us. [ … more … ]

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