Friday, November 27, 2015

Find a school!

There is no will but Gods. To join with His is but to find our own. And since our will is His, it is to Him that we must go to recognize our will. Lesson 328 I choose the second place to gain the first.

"A teacher wished to impress a first lesson upon a new group of seekers. Calling them together, he declared,
'You are unhappy, but you don't have to remain unhappy. You are a slave to anger, but you need not remain a slave. You are in a constant state of nervousness, but it is not necessary to remain nervous.'
 He concluded,

'Those of you who wish to know more, please come at once to my school in the woods.'
Without giving further directions, he disappeared.
The right to know more was earned by those who exerted themselves enough to find the school."
Vernon Linwood Howard

“A sense of separation from God is the only lack you really need correct. This sense of separation would never have arisen if you had not distorted your perception of truth, and had thus perceived yourself as lacking. The idea of order of needs arose because, having made this fundamental error, you had already fragmented yourself into levels with different needs. As you integrate you become one, and your needs become one accordingly. Unified needs lead to unified action, because this produces a lack of conflict.” Ch.1.VI.2.1-4

"Truth has rushed to meet you since you called upon it.
If you knew Who walks beside you
on the way that you have chosen,
fear would be impossible.
You do not know because the
journey into darkness has been long and cruel,
and you have gone deep into it.
A little flicker of your eyelids, closed so long,
has not yet been sufficient to give you
confidence in yourself, so long despised.
You go toward love still hating it,
and terribly afraid of its judgment upon you.
And you do not realize that you are not afraid of love,
but only of what you have made of it.
You are advancing to love's meaning,
and away from all illusions

in which you have surrounded it."
ACIM Ch.18.III.3 Excerpts

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