Friday, March 28, 2014

Are you in a hurry? Always BE IN A HURRY to . . .

In the beginning was the unconditioned awareness of being, and the unconditioned awareness of being became conditioned by imagining itself to be something, and the unconditioned awareness of being became that which it had imagined itself to be; so did creation begin. NEVILLE

You may be clear on what you don't want, but do you know what you truly want? Not what you believe you should want, but what you really desire in your heart and soul.
If you have a vague idea of what you want, and it's mixed in with a lot of shoulds, fears and limiting beliefs, the manifestation of your heart's desire is on hold. Once you have clarity on your desires and you release the mixed messages you have around them, they are on their way to you.
Affirmation: I know what I want and I live my heart's desire.

"Man not only fears that he won’t make it, but he doesn’t even know what it is that he won’t make, (laughter) which makes for a pretty confusing life, huh? Which makes him wander around his little area of life always feeling as if someone is about to throw rocks at him and, that in turn, makes him fawn. That in turn makes him smile at anyone that smiles back at him, makes him bow before anyone who seems to like him.
This, this is not a life. This is not the life that you were intended to have by an intelligence that is higher than your intelligence. Human intelligence has settled for the valleys — the dark treacherous valleys.
Unknown to humans, because they don’t explore, there is an intelligence that can replace the lowdown one, and then he will see that he is in command of his life because God is first is in command of his life." VH The Help You Really Want to Find ~ Part 1~ Heavenly Help Awaits You - MP3 CD, track 3

You are educated easily. You reason well. Science and philosophy you are master of. Do not for­get that this is your life text: “Mercy and Truth; righteousness and peace, I love.” ECH

PurposeFairy: Did it ever happen to you to know something for sure and to believe that what you knew was the truth, the only truth, the supreme truth and later on to realize how wrong you were?
How did that make you feel? Were you able to laugh at the whole situation or did you get upset by it?

Well, no matter how you reacted back then, I'm sure that by reading this story I will share with you today will help you put a smile on your face next time you go through something similar. >> Click here to read it all.

Harmony is the dominant key of your quality. Therefore, you may learn music to keep you sound and well. Sing this song silently: “God shall bring every work into judgment.” ECH

Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself. NEVILLE

Gemma Stone: Fear controls much of our lives. Defense mechanisms are by-products of fear.
We avoid, deny, repress, numb, blame & project.
We flee from personal responsibility.
We defer to a perceived authority figure.
We sacrifice our true self.{ Entire writing }

"People who have finally decided to waste their lives in concealed hostility are totally dedicated to wasting your life also. They have no conscience whatever in spreading the wastage and wreckage from them to you and they do it with devilish cunning. Vow now that you will understand this so deeply that no one will ever again be able to waste your life." VH

“Most men believe that fame, great wealth or political power would secure them against the storms of life. So they seek to acquire these as the anchors of their life, only to find that in their search for these they gradually lose the knowledge of their true being. If man places his faith in things other than himself, that in which his faith is placed will in time destroy him; at which time he will be as one imprisoned in confusion and despair.” ~ Neville Goddard, The Power of Awareness

PurposeFairy ~ Once you become aware of who you truly are underneath it all and once you align your mind with your heart and your body with your Soul, life starts to take very good care of you. 7 Steps to Creating Your Own Magical World

Busting Loose calls it “Appreciation, others call it Gratitude. But the key point is always: Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God. ACIM. 

 Are you in a hurry? The world today is a fast paced environment. People are rushing everywhere they go. The main desire seems to be getting to where we are going, faster than when we tried before. But, on the way to this imaginary destination that we are speeding to, are we missing life?
BE IN A HURRY to be courteous INSTEAD.
Always BE IN A HURRY to give the right of way to other drivers.
Always BE IN A HURRY to be understanding.
Always BE IN A HURRY to be willing.
Always BE IN A HURRY to surrender if someone else has the higher idea.
Always BE IN A HURRY to do no harm.
Always BE IN A HURRY to be loving.
Always BE IN A HURRY to smile.
Always BE IN A HURRY to laugh.
Always BE IN A HURRY to praise.
Always BE IN A HURRY to say a kind word.
Always BE IN A HURRY to be slow to criticize.
Always BE IN A HURRY to give a kiss and a hug.
Always BE IN A HURRY to be warm to someone near you instead of cold and indifferent.
Always BE IN A HURRY to find the joy in life.
Always BE IN A HURRY to stop and smell the roses.
Always BE IN A HURRY to start a little earlier so you can take more time to enjoy the journey.
Always BE IN A HURRY to fix your attention on the journey instead of the destination.
Always BE IN A HURRY to not be so fixated on a certain outcome to some situation.
Always BE IN A HURRY to team up with God in expectation of not knowing what will happen.
Always BE IN A HURRY to go to God first before you move in an outer way.
Always BE IN A HURRY to slow down your pace, your breath, and to take in life and enjoy the present moment. POSITIVE CHRISTIANITY

Remember: Expect Miracles!

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