Friday, October 4, 2013

Each word of Truth is a setting-free principle.

"I have a right to the best, and I will trust to my rights to bring me out right." 

Harmony and peace are round about you. You shed them abroad. Keep cheerful and trusting. Love this text best: "I and the Father are one." ECH

"To awaken from psychic hypnosis it is first necessary to realize that we _are_ hypnotized, and constant anguish can deliver that realization." VH

The outer world is subject to your slightest wish if you believe this affirmation: “I can preach the gospel. I can heal the sick. I can cast out demons. I can raise the dead.” ECH

When you are studying everything so carefully think of it all as but the sign and symbol of great spiritual realities. Then look over into the realities by saying daily: “My word shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” ECH

It is healthy, intelligent and necessary to keep your human nature under your watchful eye. The final right result of this persistent intensive self-study is not to improve your human nature but to replace it, an absolute 100% replacement of who and what you are. VH

The listening disciple becomes a preaching apostle. Standing at the Center of Being and looking outward over the world, instruction is received from every quarter. But who hath told himself that all the objects he beholds and all their movements also are but projections of his own judgment? He seems always to be a learner and a seeker till at the center of his consciousness the fact is suddenly proclaimed that he himself produced the world as it appears. Then he no longer listens to information from without; he authorizes from himself what he would see and hear and touch; even what he would know.
Emma Curtis Hopkins


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