Garden of Eden, or the pre-separation condition, was a state of mind in which
nothing was needed. When Adam listened to the "lies of the serpent,"
all he heard was untruth. You do not have to continue to believe what is not
true unless you choose to do so. All that can literally disappear in the
twinkling of an eye because it is merely a misperception. What is seen in
dreams seems to be very real. Yet the Bible says that a deep sleep fell upon
Adam, and nowhere is there reference to his waking up. The world has not yet
experienced any comprehensive reawakening or rebirth. Such a rebirth is
impossible as long as you continue to project or miscreate. It still remains
within you, however, to extend as God extended His Spirit to you. In reality
this is your only choice, because your free will was given you for your joy in
creating the perfect.
. . . the Bible speaks of "the peace of God
which passeth understanding." This
peace is totally incapable of being shaken by errors of any kind. It denies the
ability of anything not of God to affect you.
The Bible
tells you to know yourself, or to be certain. Certainty is always of God. When
you love someone you have perceived him as he is, and this makes it possible
for you to know him. Until you first perceive him as he is you cannot know him.
When the Bible says "Judge not that ye be not judged," it means that if you judge the reality of others
you will be unable to avoid judging your own.
The Bible
says that you should go with a brother twice as far as he asks. It certainly
does not suggest that you set him back on his journey. Devotion to a brother
cannot set you back either. It can lead only to mutual progress.
The Bible repeatedly states that you should praise God. This hardly
means that you should tell Him how wonderful He is. He has no ego with which to
accept such praise, and no perception with which to judge it. But unless you
take your part in the creation, His joy is not complete because yours is
The Bible
says, "May the
mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus," and uses this as a blessing. It is the blessing
of miracle-mindedness. It asks that you may think as I thought, joining with me
in Christ thinking.
The Bible is a fearful thing in the ego's judgment. Perceiving it as
frightening, it interprets it fearfully.
"As ye sow, so shall ye reap" He interprets to mean what
you consider worth cultivating you will cultivate in yourself. Your judgment of
what is worthy makes it worthy for you.
"Vengeance is mine, saith the
Lord" is easily reinterpreted if
you remember that ideas increase only by being shared. The statement emphasizes
that vengeance cannot be shared. Give it therefore to the Holy Spirit, Who will
undo it in you because it does not belong in your mind, which is part of God.
"I will
visit the sins of the fathers unto the third and fourth generation," as interpreted by the ego,
is particularly vicious. It becomes merely an attempt to guarantee the ego's
own survival. To the Holy Spirit, the statement means that in later generations
He can still reinterpret what former generations had misunderstood, and thus
release the thoughts from the ability to produce fear.
"The wicked shall perish" becomes a statement of Atonement, if the word
is understood as "be undone." Every loveless thought must be undone, a word the
ego cannot even understand. To the ego, to be undone means to be destroyed. The
ego will not be destroyed because it is part of your thought, but because it is
uncreative and therefore unsharing, it will be reinterpreted to release you
from fear. The part of your mind that you have given to the ego will merely
return to the Kingdom, where your whole mind belongs. You can delay the
completion of the Kingdom, but you cannot introduce the concept of fear into
The Bible
says, "The Word
(or thought) was made flesh." Strictly speaking this is impossible, since it seems to
involve the translation of one order of reality into another. Different orders
of reality merely appear to exist, just as different orders of miracles do.
Thought cannot be made into flesh except by belief, since thought is not
physical. Yet thought is communication, for which the body can be used. This is
the only natural use to which it can be put. To use the body unnaturally is to
lose sight of the Holy Spirit's purpose, and thus to confuse the goal of His
The Bible enjoins you to be perfect, to heal all errors, to take no
thought of the body as separate and to accomplish all things in my name. This
is not my name alone, for ours is a shared identification. The Name of God's
Son is One, and you are enjoined to do the works of love because we share this
Oneness. Our minds are whole because they are one. If you are sick you are
withdrawing from me. Yet you cannot withdraw from me alone. You can only
withdraw from yourself and me.
The Bible
tells you to become as little children. Little children recognize that they do
not understand what they perceive, and so they ask what it means. Do not make
the mistake of believing that you understand what you perceive, for its meaning
is lost to you. Yet the Holy Spirit has saved its meaning for you, and if you
will let Him interpret it, He will restore to you what you have thrown away.
Yet while you think you know its meaning, you will see no need to ask it of
The Christ in you inhabits not a body. Yet He is in you. And thus it
must be that you are not within a body. What is within you cannot be outside.
And it is certain that you cannot be apart from what is at the very center of
your life. What gives you life cannot be housed in death. No more can you.
Christ is within a frame of Holiness whose only purpose is that He may be made
manifest to those who know Him not, that He may call to them to come to Him and
see Him where they thought their bodies were. Then will their bodies melt away,
that they may frame His Holiness in them.
Always, i find simply amazing ideas on your blog. Thanks, -g-