Saturday, October 13, 2012

tHe WoRd MaDe FlEsH

Let it be clearly seen and understood that the truly helpful metaphysical teaching does not deal exclusively with the changeless wholeness of God, man, and the universe; nor does it deal exclusively with the healing of the sick and sinful human conditions. The truly helpful and Christianly scientific instruction presents the Absolute and the relative as one whole. The question is not whether one chooses to accept the Absolute statements of metaphysics, or if he chooses to believe the relative statements of metaphysics. The arresting question is: Do you perceive the unity and coincidence of the Absolute presentation and its practical demonstration?
In the metaphysical field today there appears to be a division among teachers and students regarding the meaning and understanding of what is called the “Absolute” presentation and the “relative” presentation of Metaphysics. This is due to a mistake in the individual’s own consciousness. It would seem as though he believed that he was expected to make a choice as to which presentation of Truth he would accept and practice—the Absolute or the relative. We hear it said, “I have crossed out all the relative statements in my books, as I wish to contact only the Absolute.” Yet another will say, “The Absolute is too high for me. I want something practical, something which I can use right in my every-day experience.”
Dear friends, let us look deeply into this very apparent problem of today.
Suppose that the Bible were written wholly from the Absolute standpoint, telling us only about Heaven, reality, and perfection, never mentioning such words as trouble, loss, lack, need, healing, deliverance. Then of course, we would never be told of the prophets and their mastery over sickness, lack, sin, disease, and death; nor would we be told about Jesus and his healing work. We would read nothing of his crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension; nothing pertaining to deliverance from sin, sickness, and death. What would there he left? Certainly nothing that would help anyone out of the dream of human existence. One of insight, therefore, does not suggest at this stage of our enlightenment such a thing as letting go everything pertaining to healing, deliverance, resurrection, and ascension, and holding only to statements of absolute Truth. This notion would be quite as foolish as to attempt to “strain out gnats and swallow camels.”
 Let us remember the following established facts in the Science of Being, and let us utilize them in our daily experience:
1.       There is one Mind only. This means that the mind of Jesus, of you, and of me, is this one divine Intelligence. This Mind is rightly called the divine Mind—meaning the right and true Intelligence. The mental mechanism called the human mind or mentality is but a term given to the human sense of Divine Reality. As the human sense, or mental mechanism, is enlightened and spiritualized it will cease to have appearance, for all sense will be swallowed up by the reality and omnipresence of Truth, Life, and Love. As insight acts upon the mind, the latter relinquishes its erring views for spiritual perception, and the divine Mind is found to be ALL.
2.       There is one Life only. Science reveals the fact that all life is one and the same substance. This substance is Reality, God. Each individual entity has an individual sense of life, but Life itself is indivisible. As we glimpse and hold this glorified vision—perfect Life and its perfect ideal manifestation—we partake of what is called effortless achievement. Spontaneously we rise into newness, freshness, and fairness of life and being.
3.       There is one Being only. Being is infinitely individualized, yet eternally one. Your being, my being, is the one Being, God, hence, it cannot be sick, fearful, ignorant, or in lack. Lifting sense and vision to claim and utilize one’s divine heritage and one’s irresistible identity results in the automatic transformation and transfiguration of the body. Body is transformed by thought, and thought is transformed by vision. When vision beholds the allness and oneness of Mind, Life, Being, the individual then leaves the unreal, material basis of life for the spiritual and actual Reality, and proves that the Word is made flesh.
One improves his understanding of mathematics, music, or any other study, in order to continuously achieve right results, so should one improve his sense and understanding of his own life and being if he would control his body and his experience harmoniously. The application of Absolute Science to daily needs is simple if the student will earnestly consider some of the main essential points:
1.       He is not to attempt to change conditions, but on the contrary, he is to be "absent from the body."
2.        is to understand that the essential thing is to learn the truth about himself and then to apply this truth of his real self in a way which will automatically improve the body to sight and sense.
3.       He is to perceive that the body manifests his sense and belief of it and that all correction, improvement, and spiritualization therefore must take place in his sense and thought. Spiritual understanding controls material sense (sickness, sin, and discord), and as material belief is thus corrected, Spirit controls the body and the result is health and harmony.
The student is to perceive first of all WHAT is to be done, then secondly, HOW this is to he accomplished. When he understands that discordant conditions but picture forth his ignorant sense and thought, and that the understanding of one’s real being governs darkened sense as light controls darkness, then he is to discover How to pray, (or treat), so that he can successfully execute this spiritual authority.
In metaphysical study, many who were held in great mental darkness have quite suddenly and unexpectedly come in contact with that which momentarily flashed a brilliant light into their consciousness; and quickly, (sometimes instantaneously), they were restored to health and harmony. But later, when they wished to turn this Light on consciously, they could not find the “switch,” or contact, and yearningly they searched hither and thither for that Something which they knew was somewhere at hand and ready to their touch.
Let us now take up the subject of that intelligent insight which shows one how to pray, (or to treat), so that this Light can be applied as scientifically and successfully to human problems as the understanding of mathematics can be applied scientifically and successfully to any mathematical proposition.
1.       Apprehend and understand your being as it really is. That is, perceive that your real being is the Absolute Truth itself. Take conscious possession of your wonderful, free, and glorious Self. Acknowledge it. Glorify it. Love it. Praise it. Do not believe that you have to attain perfection of Soul or its manifested form, but discern that being is always and eternally changeless, perfect, and immortal. What is required of you is that you should attain a perfect conception of your Self and your body; that you should see yourself as you actually are; that you become perfect in earth (in sense) as you are perfect in Heaven (reality); and that you prove your faith by your works.
2.       Correct your material belief with the right and true understanding. If the belief is that you are not free and whole and glorious then correct this erring belief with the understanding that you are divine, that you are changelessly perfect and ideal, that you are God-being, that you are not subject to untrue sense, for you function in Intelligence. If the belief is that you are in pain, or that you cannot see, or hear, or walk, or understand, then control this belief by understanding your spiritual, actual entity. Spiritual harmony and wholeness is yours changelessly and forever, and your certainty and confidence of this fact is the spiritual realization which controls the unreal, erring sense and results in your deliverance.
3.       Let it be clear to you that the body improves automatically as consciousness is spiritualized. It is this spiritualization of thought and sense which brings one in contact with the harmony and wholeness of being. Correct material beliefs (of fear, discord, etc.,) with the spiritual understanding, (the conception and realization that you are Spirit), and Spirit will sustain your faith and your claim.
In any line of study or endeavor it is lack of understanding which causes one to feel fearful and doubtful of attaining practical results, but as soon as clear understanding comes to the mind there comes also confidence, poise, and power. To study books which rightly acquaint one with the Science of his being tends to elevate him to the point where he feels the spiritual urge to put into practice this Science which he is studying. Of what value is any message if it does not rouse the mind to the desire to use the teaching? Of what value is any instruction if it is not practical—if one cannot bring it into his experience of daily livin g? If the study of perfect being and heavenly harmony does not enrich your earthly experience, of what value is it to you? None. A spiritual teaching without a corresponding practice has been termed "the error of the ages." Let us not only speak the Word but also let that Word become flesh in us—become substantial in our daily living.
Suppose one were given a chest containing bags of gold and silver coins and a great amount of money in paper notes. Suppose he is living in an old shack for shelter, his furniture consisting of a cot, a chair, and a stove. He is cold, hungry and near to despair. Each day, however, he opens the chest of treasure, fingers the gold pieces and counts the value of the paper notes; he examines the dates and inscriptions as he piles up the coins and smoothes out the paper money. Then he places all back in the chest and returns to the cold, the hunger and despair. Do you see how he separates, his wealth from his daily experience? The fact that he has great possessions is of no practical value to him for he lives as though he had none at all. He can handle the gold, he can show it to others, but until he removes the mental wall separating his wealth from his daily experience it is of no present use to him.
Quite similar to this example might be that of one who has in his possession the Word, or instruction, of Truth. He reads it, he listens to it, he visions Heaven and perfect being, as free, glorious, and harmonious. But he lives in sickness, poverty, despair. Each day he handles the books—the Word of Truth; he enjoys the sound of the words, the pictures of heavenly health, harmony and glory. Then he closes the books and returns to his world of misery.

By Lillian DeWaters

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