It’s not about looking at the
world through rose colored glasses or about candy coating the world.
Thoughts create our reality. And our beliefs tend to
guide our thoughts. But what I’ve discovered is some of our beliefs were
instilled relatively early in our childhood. That’s not bad. It’s good. Because
if we can look back at our belief and think back we can see that our belief was
postulated due to our reaction to something that happened. Parents,
grandparents or peers, there was some situation that we perceived incorrectly. If
I felt I was never accepted by someone was that true. No. It’s how I viewed it.
Maybe they did accept me. Do I or did I need be accepted by everyone. No, I’m
me. I accept myself the way I am. I change my habits of judgement, worry and
guilt and I remember my oneness, ONE-ness. ACIM says ATONEMENT. Cramer and Brooks spelt it at-ONE-ment. We've been programmed from birth to believe it's okay
to be guilty.

We are the dreamer of our dream. We are not victims. We
created the universe. We created the universe to hide out from God but there is
no world. We’ve created a dream of separation and we’ve never left home.
WE ARE AWESOME. The “Busting Loose …” books have a great
analogy. WE created that restaurant we love to eat at. WE cleared the land, dug
the foundation, designed the building both inside and out, picked the fixings,
did the decorating, selected the food and hired the person to cook it. WE ARE AWESOME.
And WE get a great meal and WE sit there reflecting after dinner about how
AWESOME WE ARE. But the waitress, who doesn’t know all this says something
negative and we get thrown for a loop. We always do.
And there’s no reason to feel guilty. We have been
conditioned to feel guilty. There isn’t supposed to be any guilt. I had someone
on the street ask me for money for a coffee. I said “No, sorry”. And the got a
few steps past them and realized what I’d said. We are conditioned to feel
My brother got mad pushed my face into the carpet when I
was little. I ended up with a scab but went on playing. Years later my dad
mentioned it and said he was surprised I didn’t hit him back. He had responded
according to his "rules of engagement"/"map of the territory"/beliefs, not mine. ACIM teaches us to look at
things and see them from a different perspective. And, as we do, we become more peaceful
in the process.
Do we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders?
Some say yes, but I realized this week it’s on our chest. Where is the heart? In
the chest? If we’re supposed to remove the blockages of loves awareness all
around us then there is a lot we have to get off our chest.
A part of us starts to get it. And part of us doesn’t want
to (the ego). The “Song of Prayer” talks about a ladder. I was reminded today
of how people will cycle into our loves and may or may not drag us down a few
rungs. It’s not them but it’s our inner turmoil that hasn’t quite grasped the
ideas. Our new beliefs haven’t fully rooted. At least, not yet. But we get
stronger the more we practice. Old habits die hard? Actually, according to “The
Work” that’s a limiting belief. Take it to inquiry.
It helps to heal relationships
between you and others people by inviting the into your circle of Atonement.,
making them part of our circle of light. Some people write letters. One of the
steps of the AA program is to make amends. Whether you physically do it or
mentally do it depends on circumstances. Would you want someone contacting you
or would you rather hear they’d turned their life around. You action should be
determined by whether you feel peaceful.
The more we let go the LIGHT-er
we become.
As the heart opens there is an inner warmth and inner
peace. External vibrations are a belief in something outside of the body.
long as you remember ALWAYS that you never suffered anything because of
anything that anyone ELSE did, past memories are not dangerous.(Urtext,CH1)
Sit in quiet
meditation and ask to be shown what belief is weighing heavily on you, whatever
it may be. Let it rise slowly to the surface like a sunken ship being raised to
the surface of your awareness. Ask to be shown and trust that you will be
shown; create the space and willingness to be shown, and you will be. Ask, what
is the belief are YOU harboring within YOUR-self that is keeping YOU from YOUR
joy and peace?’
As you wait words
or images may come to you. Simply notice them without censoring or judgment.
Perhaps you will recall long forgotten incidents from an earlier time, or a
feeling will arise that is painful or brings with it tears. If tears arise, let them do their cleansing work.
The circumstances of your life will become
more friendly and welcoming to you as you become more friendly and welcoming to
yourself. Never judge your life or your Self as a failure. Never judge your
life at all. Simply welcome and befriend it as it is. Nothing grows nor thrives
on under the dark cloud of judgement. Accidents are not accidental. All that
happens in your life is for you, not against you. They happen to alter the
course of your life. We are to lovingly allow our lives to unfold and know that
we are greatly loved.
Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.discusses shrinking the gap between
cause and effect.
.The journey from mindlessness to mindfulness
There are many paths
But only one destination.
you really want it then LOVE IT.
are your own worst enemy.
That was a thought I had Friday.
I’d listened to a tape from a ACIM practitioner this week. We worry
warts will invent something new to worry about when the old ones cease. It’s a
mstter of not being judgemental about yourself. When it happens to me I realize
I am making progress but at my own pace. When Cady wrote Loose Him and Let Him Go she never really provided a
means. That’s where faith comes in. I adopted a couple of prayers from to my needs and I don’t worry about a few people
anymore. It’s like a reprieve or breath of fresh air. We’ve been taught to feel
guilty and manifest from fear but what if we realize God is our source and
start manifesting from Love. Isn’t that more in line with the teachings of the
bible and certainly ACIM?
We’re like the “Lone Ranger”. Donning a black mask, mounting a white horse and
shooting silver bullets to make the world a better place. Instead of realizing
where we are, discovering our true identity and living up to our full potential
of what we Truly are.
How The Idea of Eliminating Beliefs By Video Was Born
happily replaces all fear.
Christ is the link that keeps you one with God, and
guarantees that separation is no more than an illusion of despair, for hope
forever will abide in Him. Your mind is part of His, and His of yours.Christ
remains at peace within the Heaven of your holy mind. This is the only part of
you that has reality in truth. The rest is dreams. Christ is the Self we share,
uniting us with one another, and with God as well. Christ is the Thought which
still abides within the Mind that is His Source. Christ has not left His holy
home, nor lost the innocence in which He was created. Christ abides unchanged
forever in the Mind of God. Stillness
is the peace of God and it is Mine.Through this the Truth will
enter where illusions were, light will replace all darkness, and We. your
children, will know we are as God created us.
ACIM lessons
271,272, 273, 274
“In my defencelessness, my safety lies.” (A
Course in Miracles.) “The meek shall
inherit the earth.”
We are slowly recovering our real power and letting go of fear. When someone says something
to you, when you don’t feel the need to defend or justify there is hope. You
have brought that on to test yourself. Have your beliefs aligned with your actions?
The interrogator/questioner/attacker is mirroring you former or current beliefs.
The Japanese Soldier – A Metaphor
When we are faced with a difficult or traumatic situation — particularly when we are very young and have difficulty understanding
the world around us — we respond with the best survival options available to us at the time. As children, we all learn many “emotional habits” and knee-jerk responses in this way. Some of us may have learned to cut off our feelings, as an effort to avoid pain. Or we might have learned to throw a temper tantrum when it appears our needs aren’t being met. Or the habit of seeking approval, of finding fault with others, etc. Most of us recognize that the response patterns we learned in
childhood tend to persist into our adult lives, even though the challenges we face are different. This is true even when our automatic responses have serious negative consequences for us.
It’s easy to understand this idea with our conscious minds. Yet this
may have little impact on our unconscious behaviors. These tend to be
more responsive to narrative — a story that presents the same
understandings in a different way.