Saturday, June 23, 2012

Be indifferent.

Most of us have an innate shrinking from saying, "Thy will be done." Because of false teaching, and from associations, we have believed that this prayer, if answered, would take away from us all that gives us joy or happiness. Surely nothing could be farther from the truth. Oh, how we have tried to crowd the broad love of God into the narrow limits of man's mind! [1]
You want to manifest the perfect Christ. Affirm with all your heart and soul and strength that you do so manifest now, that you manifest health and strength and love and Truth and power. Let go of the notion of being or doing anything in the future. God knows no time but the eternal now. You can never know any other time, for there is no other. You cannot live an hour or ten minutes in the future. You cannot live it until you reach it, and then it becomes the now. Saying or believing salvation and deliverance are to be, will forever, and through all the eternal ages, keep them, like a will-o'-the-wisp, just a little ahead of you, always to be reached but never quite realized. [1]
In Christ, or in the consciousness of the indwelling divine Spirit, we know that every man and woman is our father and mother, brother and sister; that nothing is our own, but all is God's because all is God.[2]

What is understanding faith? There are some things that God has so indissolubly joined together that it is impossible for even Him to put them asunder. They are bound together by fixed, immutable laws; if we have one of them, we must have the other.
This is illustrated by the laws of geometry. For instance, the sum of the angles of a triangle is equal to two right angles. No matter how large or small the triangle, no matter whether it is made on the mountaintop or leagues under the sea, if we are asked the sum of its angles we can unhesitatingly answer, without waiting an instant to count or reckon this particular triangle, that it is just two right angles. This is absolutely certain. It is certain, even before the triangle is drawn by visible lines; we can know it beforehand, because it is based on unchangeable laws, on the truth or reality of the thing. It was true just as much before anyone recognized it as it is today. Our knowing it or not knowing it does not change the truth. Only in proportion as we come to know it as an eternal truth can we be benefited by it.
It is also a simple truth that one plus one equals two; it is an eternal truth. You cannot put one and one together without two resulting. You may believe it or not; that does not alter the truth. But unless you do put the one and one together you do not produce the two, for each is eternally dependent on the other.[3]

HOW I USED TRUTH: H. Emilie Cady:1916
[1] Finding the Christ in Ourselves
[2] All-Sufficiency in All Things
[3] Lesson 6 : FAITH ; H. Emilie Cady : Lessons in Truth:1923 

I AM the way.
One thing about being in the NOW is you may notice people moving surreally.
Be still, and know I AM God.
Life is a dream. I used to think I was missing something. I finally figured out I was reacting as I witnessed the dream. 

One of the flaws of the Law of Attraction stuff is that we are vibrational beings. We’re not. We’re spirit. All is mind. The body is meaningless. A vessel of learning. Be indifferent to what you see. The learn to love what you see. God creates  in his own image and what God creates is perfect. As Christ you have created a world you see as hell but change of perspective required is to see Heaven Here NOW.
It’s unfortunate Cady isn’t taught more at Unity. What she said of geometry is pretty much the same as William Samuel said some 100 years later in 2+2=Reality
I  used to think I’d teach healing from Quimby and Hopkins. Or maybe New Thought.
The Truth needs to be taught. And the power of being in the NOW.

As a recent CareGiver I can tell you it’s important to be in the NOW for the loved one. To be present, not to judge but to take one day at a time. As a GareGiver your views  and opinion don’t matter. It’s all about supporting the patient on their final journey home. And you can’t do that if you’re worried about tomorrow, next week or next year. Perhaps I need to teach that.

Different strokes for different folks. I have a friend who idolizes a proponent of raw milk. I admire the man who prevented growth hormone from getting into the Canadian milk supply and food chain.

True Empathy
“By joining with the Holy Spirit (in-spirit) at the level of the mind you automatically know what to do for someone at the level of behavior or form and be truly helpful. It automatically comes through. It's an expression of love.”.

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