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Friday, June 29, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Background Notes on Emma Curtis Hopkins
by Rev. Marjory Dawson
In the mid 1800's, new philosophies were born through the work of Quimby, Emerson, Eddy, Thoreau and Whitman. These people were part of a group called the Transcendalists. They based their philosophy on the ancient idea of the law of correspondence or, in other words, as the microcosm reflect the macrocosm. They gathered together with the purpose of leaving the old ideas behind. This new philosophy proclaimed the dignity and the worth of the individual. This idea of the worth of the individual was new. This new message carried a possibility of hope and a love of God.
Josephine Emma Curtis was born into this atmosphere of change in a small town in Connecticut on September 2nd, 1849, although most publications have her birth year as 1853. Emma was the oldest of nine children and was raised on a farm. The Curtis family valued education and, apparently, Emma was an excellent student.
In 1874, when Emma was 25 years old, she married George Hopkins. George was a high school English teacher. They had a son who died at the age of 30. Emma and George lived separate lives beginning in the mid 1880's. Eventually, George filed for divorce on the grounds of abandonment.
In the early 1880's Emma had an ailment related to breathing and came to a Christian Science practitioner. Out of that healing experience, she contacted Mary Baker Eddy and began working and studying with Ms. Eddy in Boston. Emma became the editor of The Christian Science Journal. In 1886, without cause, Mrs. Eddy relieved Emma of this position. Probably that termination came out of Emma's broad education. It is known that she continued to read any and all material. Mrs. Eddy believed that Christian Science was revealed only to her and that it should be considered the final word. Emma felt that the truth had been revealed to many people throughout history and that truth was available to everyone.
After the split with Mrs. Eddy, Emma went on to establish her own school in Chicago. It was called The Emma Curtis Hopkins College of Christian Science and it graduated its first class in 1886. In Chicago, her innovative ideas and policies built the foundation that provided the organizational structure of the New Thought Movement in the United States.
Emma established many study groups in the east and the west, from New York City to Seattle to Milwaukee to San Francisco to Washington, D.C. She visited these groups frequently and became known as the Teacher of Teachers. She also had study groups in Europe and traveled there. There were seventeen branches of the Hopkins Metaphysical Association from Maine to California. On one of her trips to San Francisco, she taught 250 students. In 1918, Emma was voted honorary president of the International New Thought Alliance. That organization is active today.
Emma had a unique approach to her teaching. For one thing, she insisted that her students already knew everything that she was telling them. It wasn't a matter so much as learning but as recalling or remembering the spiritual instinct that is born within us. She had a great sense of integrity toward her students for she felt equal with her students because all are the expression of God. To her the teaching was more important than the teacher. She showed great enthusiasm for the high principles of Truth.
She insisted upon discipline – to train the mind to think in a certain way at all times. She challenged her students to prove out the truth principles in their lives.
During this time, women were discounted and it was thought their places were in the home. Emma did not fit into this mold. It is reported that Emma taught over 50,000 individuals. She ordained women as ministers. Another 30 years passed before women gained the right to vote. Some of her students went on to establish schools and churches – Divine Science, the Home of Truth, Religious Science and Unity. Her students included H. Emily Cady, the Fillmores, Ernest Homes and many others.
Ernest Holmes was Emma's last student. He studied with her in 1924 and she died in 1925. Holmes described her as a stately woman who always wore a long dress, an elegant hat and white gloves.
Emma acknowledged three sciences: (1) the material or physical science that declares laws; (2) mental science, as all that we are IS made up of our thought; and (3) mystical science, which she emphasized. She drew from the bible, the non-Christian scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita, the Avesta Zoroaster, ancient Greek and Roman mythologies and the world's great philosophies and saints.
Emma was the first to bring in the concept of the Divine Feminine. She claimed the "Mind-Principle" is the "Fatherhood of the Trinity" – The "Sonship" symbolizes the children who are "creations of the mind" – "The Holy Ghost" is the "Mother-Life."
Emma has been called a New Mystic. She has been described as an introvertive type of mystic who let go of the empirical ego so that the pure ego merged into the Light – or what we might call an experience of Unitive Consciousness.
The mystical science deals with the hidden, unspoken and invisible. Emma writes in a way that we can relate this mystical science to everyday living.
This book, Self Treatments including The Radiant I AM, was given by Emma as part of her lectures at the Hopkins Theological Seminary in Chicago. The style of writing was the style of the times. In the old-fashioned, flowery verbiage, the mystical truth comes to life. Make an agreement with yourself to NOT be intimated by her writing style. For example, we might say, "Thoughts are things," but Emma would say it this way, "The great white glory within, all hot with the spirit, warms some word into feeling and a shape as the warmth and dew forces the amoeba to spring into the shape of a man or a plant, that which the sunlight of understanding has gleamed upon stirred to take form."
Try reading Emma out loud. Pretend you are Emma and feeling her inspiration!
Note: With gratitude to WiseWoman Press who collected this material in the form of this book.
In the mid 1800's, new philosophies were born through the work of Quimby, Emerson, Eddy, Thoreau and Whitman. These people were part of a group called the Transcendalists. They based their philosophy on the ancient idea of the law of correspondence or, in other words, as the microcosm reflect the macrocosm. They gathered together with the purpose of leaving the old ideas behind. This new philosophy proclaimed the dignity and the worth of the individual. This idea of the worth of the individual was new. This new message carried a possibility of hope and a love of God.
Josephine Emma Curtis was born into this atmosphere of change in a small town in Connecticut on September 2nd, 1849, although most publications have her birth year as 1853. Emma was the oldest of nine children and was raised on a farm. The Curtis family valued education and, apparently, Emma was an excellent student.
In 1874, when Emma was 25 years old, she married George Hopkins. George was a high school English teacher. They had a son who died at the age of 30. Emma and George lived separate lives beginning in the mid 1880's. Eventually, George filed for divorce on the grounds of abandonment.
In the early 1880's Emma had an ailment related to breathing and came to a Christian Science practitioner. Out of that healing experience, she contacted Mary Baker Eddy and began working and studying with Ms. Eddy in Boston. Emma became the editor of The Christian Science Journal. In 1886, without cause, Mrs. Eddy relieved Emma of this position. Probably that termination came out of Emma's broad education. It is known that she continued to read any and all material. Mrs. Eddy believed that Christian Science was revealed only to her and that it should be considered the final word. Emma felt that the truth had been revealed to many people throughout history and that truth was available to everyone.
After the split with Mrs. Eddy, Emma went on to establish her own school in Chicago. It was called The Emma Curtis Hopkins College of Christian Science and it graduated its first class in 1886. In Chicago, her innovative ideas and policies built the foundation that provided the organizational structure of the New Thought Movement in the United States.
Emma established many study groups in the east and the west, from New York City to Seattle to Milwaukee to San Francisco to Washington, D.C. She visited these groups frequently and became known as the Teacher of Teachers. She also had study groups in Europe and traveled there. There were seventeen branches of the Hopkins Metaphysical Association from Maine to California. On one of her trips to San Francisco, she taught 250 students. In 1918, Emma was voted honorary president of the International New Thought Alliance. That organization is active today.
Emma had a unique approach to her teaching. For one thing, she insisted that her students already knew everything that she was telling them. It wasn't a matter so much as learning but as recalling or remembering the spiritual instinct that is born within us. She had a great sense of integrity toward her students for she felt equal with her students because all are the expression of God. To her the teaching was more important than the teacher. She showed great enthusiasm for the high principles of Truth.
She insisted upon discipline – to train the mind to think in a certain way at all times. She challenged her students to prove out the truth principles in their lives.
During this time, women were discounted and it was thought their places were in the home. Emma did not fit into this mold. It is reported that Emma taught over 50,000 individuals. She ordained women as ministers. Another 30 years passed before women gained the right to vote. Some of her students went on to establish schools and churches – Divine Science, the Home of Truth, Religious Science and Unity. Her students included H. Emily Cady, the Fillmores, Ernest Homes and many others.
Ernest Holmes was Emma's last student. He studied with her in 1924 and she died in 1925. Holmes described her as a stately woman who always wore a long dress, an elegant hat and white gloves.
Emma acknowledged three sciences: (1) the material or physical science that declares laws; (2) mental science, as all that we are IS made up of our thought; and (3) mystical science, which she emphasized. She drew from the bible, the non-Christian scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita, the Avesta Zoroaster, ancient Greek and Roman mythologies and the world's great philosophies and saints.
Emma was the first to bring in the concept of the Divine Feminine. She claimed the "Mind-Principle" is the "Fatherhood of the Trinity" – The "Sonship" symbolizes the children who are "creations of the mind" – "The Holy Ghost" is the "Mother-Life."
Emma has been called a New Mystic. She has been described as an introvertive type of mystic who let go of the empirical ego so that the pure ego merged into the Light – or what we might call an experience of Unitive Consciousness.
The mystical science deals with the hidden, unspoken and invisible. Emma writes in a way that we can relate this mystical science to everyday living.
This book, Self Treatments including The Radiant I AM, was given by Emma as part of her lectures at the Hopkins Theological Seminary in Chicago. The style of writing was the style of the times. In the old-fashioned, flowery verbiage, the mystical truth comes to life. Make an agreement with yourself to NOT be intimated by her writing style. For example, we might say, "Thoughts are things," but Emma would say it this way, "The great white glory within, all hot with the spirit, warms some word into feeling and a shape as the warmth and dew forces the amoeba to spring into the shape of a man or a plant, that which the sunlight of understanding has gleamed upon stirred to take form."
Try reading Emma out loud. Pretend you are Emma and feeling her inspiration!
Note: With gratitude to WiseWoman Press who collected this material in the form of this book.
Self Treatments Including the Radiant I Am
by Emma Curtis Hopkins, Managing Editor Michael Terranova, Illustrator
Shirley Lawrence & Designer and Editor Ruth Miller
Michael Terranova
"Webmaster www.emmacurtishopkins.com"
THE RADIANT I AM by Emma Curtis Hopkins: http://www.churchofspiritualscience.org/radiant_i_am_by_emma_curtis_hopkins.html
Monday, June 25, 2012
"Let me remember that myself is nothing and that my Self is all"
["Let me remember that my ego is nothing
and that my Christ Self is all"]
We are all part of
that diseased, sick, insane mind that believed we would be happier outside
Heaven than in Heaven. (What Hopkins called
the race mind)
The entire world is an
illusion, which means nothing here is real. That means the whole perception of
differences in this world is made up. What unifies everything in this world is
that it comes from one source -- guilt. And guilt comes from one source -- it
is a defense against God's Love. Everything here is an expression either of the
ego's guilt or of the Holy Spirit's Love. We are all one, we are not different;
we only have the illusion of being different. Sickness, suffering, and pain are
wonderful devices the ego uses to keep us separate. You are suffering, I am not
suffering. So we are separate, we are different, and in this is an inherent
judgment made -- a judgment that is an attack.
The brain is what the ego tells us we really are. The brain
is within the body, very much a part of the physical world. The functioning of
the brain is what most people today refer to as the mind. All this has
absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the mind itself. A good analogy is a
puppeteer and the puppets, with the puppeteer above the stage. Let's say that the
puppets are marionettes, which means that they have strings, and the puppeteer
is on top of the stage -- he's not visible. He pulls the strings of these
lifeless pieces of wood that have been painted and dressed up to be puppets.
The puppets have no life to them -- they cannot see; they cannot hear; they
cannot taste; they cannot feel; they cannot live; they cannot die. But if the
puppet show is a good one and the puppeteer is skillful, he can fool people,
especially young people -- little children. But the puppeteer is not in the
puppet; the puppet is totally separate from the mind.
We actually believe that our eyes see, that our ears hear,
that our taste buds taste, that our hands feel, that our brains think, etc. In
reality, the body does absolutely nothing but carry out the dictates of the
We don't have to solve problems in the world because there
are no problems in the world, because there is no world. We solve the seeming
problems in the world by bringing those problems back to the mind and solving
the problem there. And the only problem is that we separated from the Love of
God, and so the solution is that we join with it.
The Atonement then is simply the correction for our mistake
-- turning away from the Holy Spirit and turning to the ego. So the Atonement,
or the correction, is simply to turn back to the Holy Spirit.
The miracle is the undoing of illusion. It brings our
attention back from the world and the problems of our bodies to the mind, where
the problem is.
If you find yourself
or those in your circle saying, "I am not sick, you are not sick, we are
all one, and I do not see your body I just see a white light," you are
either in denial or you are on the verge of a psychosis if that is what you
see. We are not asked to deny what we see.
We are not asked to
deny what our eyes see. We are not asked to deny that, on the level of form, in
the world of symbols and names, we all have different names and we are all
We are simply asked to
put everything into one of two categories -- either an expression of love or a
call for love.
I am asked simply to
have the little willingness to be told that I am wrong, and that the dream in
front of me is simply a dream, and that the reality is the dreamer, not the
dream itself.
Excerpts from True
[FACIM] by Kenneth
The Two Gifts
How can you be delivered from all gifts the
world has offered you? How can you change these little, cruel offerings for
those that Heaven gives and God would have you keep? Open your hands, and give
all things to me that you have held against your holiness and kept as slander
on the Son of God. Practice with every one you recognize as what it is. Give me
these worthless things the instant that you see them through my eyes and
understand their cost. Then give away these bitter dreams as you perceive them
now to be but that, and nothing more than that.
I take them from you gladly, laying them beside the gifts of God that he has placed upon the altar to His Son. And these I give to you to take the place of those you give to me in mercy on yourself. These are the gifts I ask, and only these. For as you lay them by you, reach to me, and I can come as savior then to you. The gifts of God are in my hands, to give to anyone who would exchange the world for Heaven. You need only call my name and ask me to accept the gift of pain from willing hands that would be laid in mine, with thorns laid down and nails long thrown away as one by one the sorry gifts of earth are joyously relinquished. In my hands is everything you want and need and hoped to find among the shabby toys of earth. I take them all from you and they are gone. And shining in the place where once they stood there is a gateway to another world through which we enter in the Name of God.
Father, we thank You for these gifts that we have found together. Here we are redeemed. For it is here we joined, and from this place of holy joining we will come to You because we recognize the gifts You gave and would have nothing else. Each hand that finds its way to mine will take Your gifts from me, and as we look together on the place whereon I laid your worthless gifts for you, we will see nothing but the gifts of God reflected in the shining round our heads.
Holy are we who know our holiness, for it is You Who shine Your light on us, and we are thankful, in Your ancient Name, that You have not forgotten. What we thought we made of You has merely disappeared, and with its going are the images we made of Your creation gone as well. And it is finished. For we now commend into Your Hands the spirit of Your Son who seemed to lose his way a little while but never left the safety of Your Love. The gifts of fear, the dream of death, are done. And we give thanks. And we give thanks, Amen.
I take them from you gladly, laying them beside the gifts of God that he has placed upon the altar to His Son. And these I give to you to take the place of those you give to me in mercy on yourself. These are the gifts I ask, and only these. For as you lay them by you, reach to me, and I can come as savior then to you. The gifts of God are in my hands, to give to anyone who would exchange the world for Heaven. You need only call my name and ask me to accept the gift of pain from willing hands that would be laid in mine, with thorns laid down and nails long thrown away as one by one the sorry gifts of earth are joyously relinquished. In my hands is everything you want and need and hoped to find among the shabby toys of earth. I take them all from you and they are gone. And shining in the place where once they stood there is a gateway to another world through which we enter in the Name of God.
Father, we thank You for these gifts that we have found together. Here we are redeemed. For it is here we joined, and from this place of holy joining we will come to You because we recognize the gifts You gave and would have nothing else. Each hand that finds its way to mine will take Your gifts from me, and as we look together on the place whereon I laid your worthless gifts for you, we will see nothing but the gifts of God reflected in the shining round our heads.
Holy are we who know our holiness, for it is You Who shine Your light on us, and we are thankful, in Your ancient Name, that You have not forgotten. What we thought we made of You has merely disappeared, and with its going are the images we made of Your creation gone as well. And it is finished. For we now commend into Your Hands the spirit of Your Son who seemed to lose his way a little while but never left the safety of Your Love. The gifts of fear, the dream of death, are done. And we give thanks. And we give thanks, Amen.
By Helen Schucman
From The Gifts of God
From The Gifts of God
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Be indifferent.
Most of us have an innate
shrinking from saying, "Thy will be done." Because of false teaching,
and from associations, we have believed that this prayer, if answered, would
take away from us all that gives us joy or happiness. Surely nothing could be
farther from the truth. Oh, how we have tried to crowd the broad love of God
into the narrow limits of man's mind! [1]
You want to manifest the perfect
Christ. Affirm with all your heart and soul and strength that you do so
manifest now, that you manifest health and strength and love and Truth and
power. Let go of the notion of being or doing anything in the future. God knows
no time but the eternal now. You can never know any other time, for there is no
other. You cannot live an hour or ten minutes in the future. You cannot live it
until you reach it, and then it becomes the now. Saying or believing salvation
and deliverance are to be, will forever, and through all the eternal ages, keep
them, like a will-o'-the-wisp, just a little ahead of you, always to be reached
but never quite realized. [1]
In Christ, or in the consciousness
of the indwelling divine Spirit, we know that every man and woman is our father
and mother, brother and sister; that nothing is our own, but all is God's
because all is God.[2]
is understanding faith? There are some things that God has so indissolubly
joined together that it is impossible for even Him to put them asunder. They
are bound together by fixed, immutable laws; if we have one of them, we must
have the other.
is illustrated by the laws of geometry. For instance, the sum of the angles of
a triangle is equal to two right angles. No matter how large or small the
triangle, no matter whether it is made on the mountaintop or leagues under the
sea, if we are asked the sum of its angles we can unhesitatingly answer,
without waiting an instant to count or reckon this particular triangle, that it
is just two right angles. This is absolutely certain. It is certain, even
before the triangle is drawn by visible lines; we can know it beforehand,
because it is based on unchangeable laws, on the truth or reality of the thing.
It was true just as much before anyone recognized it as it is today. Our
knowing it or not knowing it does not change the truth. Only in proportion as
we come to know it as an eternal truth can we be benefited by it.
It is
also a simple truth that one plus one equals two; it is an eternal truth. You
cannot put one and one together without two resulting. You may believe it or
not; that does not alter the truth. But unless you do put the one and one
together you do not produce the two, for each is eternally dependent on the
Emilie Cady:1916
[1] Finding
the Christ in Ourselves
[2] All-Sufficiency
in All Things
[3] Lesson 6 : FAITH ;
H. Emilie Cady : Lessons in Truth:1923
I AM the way.
One thing about being in the NOW
is you may notice people moving surreally.
Be still, and know I AM God.
Life is a dream. I used to think
I was missing something. I finally figured out I was reacting as I witnessed
the dream.
One of the flaws of the Law of
Attraction stuff is that we are vibrational beings. We’re not. We’re spirit.
All is mind. The body is meaningless. A vessel of learning. Be indifferent to
what you see. The learn to love what you see. God creates in his own image and what God creates is
perfect. As Christ you have created a world you see as hell but change of
perspective required is to see Heaven Here NOW.
It’s unfortunate Cady isn’t
taught more at Unity. What she said of geometry is pretty much the same as
William Samuel said some 100 years later in 2+2=Reality
I used to think I’d teach healing from Quimby
and Hopkins. Or maybe New Thought.
The Truth needs to be taught.
And the power of being in the NOW.
As a recent CareGiver I can tell you it’s important to be in the NOW for the
loved one. To be present, not to judge but to take one day at a time. As a GareGiver your views and opinion don’t matter. It’s all about
supporting the patient on their final journey home. And you can’t do that if
you’re worried about tomorrow, next week or next year. Perhaps I need to teach
Different strokes for different
folks. I have a friend who idolizes a proponent of raw milk. I admire the man
who prevented growth hormone from getting into the Canadian milk supply and
food chain.
True Empathy
“By joining with the Holy Spirit
(in-spirit) at the level of the mind you automatically know what to do for
someone at the level of behavior or form and be truly helpful. It automatically
comes through. It's an expression of love.”. http://pvrguymale.blogspot.ca/2009/02/i-read-ken-wapnicks-true-empathy-notes.html
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Coming to Wholeness
. . . The unspoken message is that we’re all human beings in this journey and
we’re all pretty much the same in the ways that matter the most. . . . Connirae Andreas
Worth 10,000 Words? Or “How to make individual coaching sessions more effective”Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Lords Prayer
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Emma Curtis Hopkins |
Emma Curtis Hopkins giving the Lords Prayer at the
Association Meeting
January 29th 1889
January 29th 1889
Then He offered up a
prayer just like a petition for help, filled with, the faith of its all coming
to pass:
"Our Father, which art in heaven"
The Father is All, and we are in Him, How quickly we feel sheltered in God when
we remember that God is All and we ate in God, and then say, " Our Father,
which art in heaven'' Harmony is the peace which makes life glad. We are
sometimes glad and at peace and we say: This is heaven. Oh! the peace wherein
God reigns — That is heaven. If God is Peace, and we are in God, then we are in
Peace, So when we say, "Which art in Heaven," we feel that we also
are in heaven.
"Hallowed Be Thy name"
and lovely art Thou in whom we rest.
"Thy kingdom come,"
Thy peace come down. Let Thy enfolding goodness now shine over and around us
that the nations may walk in the light of it,
"Thy will be done."
Thy will is the perfect fulfilling of our heart's
desire. If we let our own will fall, dissolve, melt away into the
markless silence then Thy will, will be found done in its glory. Oh! let "Thy
will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." Let the country where we
wander be at peace because the people hear Thy words and know that they too
dwell safely with us, sheltered in Thee,
"Forgive us our debts as we forgive our
as we used to forgive when we knew not that we were in Thee and of Thee and at
peace, but now that we do know. How blessed our forgiveness now.
How divinely like Thee is our remembering our neighbor's indebtedness or wrong
no more against him forever! So Thou in dealing with us wilt be divinely
And "Lead
us not into temptation"
See: Thou art
powerful and canst oft remind us so that we shall not hear error whisper of
anything unlike this Presence we art now so safely folded within. Nothing can
deceive us.
"But deliver us from evil,"
Ah! Yes, compel us
to remember Thee. Wrench us violently from belief that there is any other love
or life worth while. When we hear human voices say honor and. fame and the ways
of gain are good, compel us to see that they are good only after knowing Thee.
Deliver us by making the old earthly ways so sharp and hard that we can not
walk them.
"For thine is the Kingdom,"
from "which we go not out forevermore.
"Thine the power,"
accomplish all that we can name of goodness, and thine all glory.
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